When Self-Growth becomes Self-Sabotage

Written by Marie-Pier Charron, Life Coach

Many of us invest quality time and energy into our personal development. We buy inspiring books, sometimes withrepparttar workbooks or journals that complement them. We discuss psychology with our friends - or we look for friends with whom we can have open discussions onrepparttar 123145 subject. There is activity in our mind - at times a little bit of confusion. We encounter so many different lines of thoughts, so many tools, so many exploratory exercises we can do. It's as if we were inrepparttar 123146 middle of a dense, majestic forest...

Then, maybe it happened to you, you reach a point where you don't feel satiated anymore after readingrepparttar 123147 hot new self-improvement book... The workshop just feels like another workshop... Philosophical discussions feel more like empty calories... It's not that your head is full: it's more that you are hungry. You are hungry, because you have tasted - sometimes chewed –repparttar 123148 wisdom you have read or heard, but you haven't digested and integrated it. Don't we benefit from relaxing and taking a break after a good meal?

I think none of us have ever seen, written inrepparttar 123149 back of a book, "You don't need to read me – allrepparttar 123150 wisdom is within you”. No publisher would be so open-minded (or masochist)... Besides, we arerepparttar 123151 ones who have to figure out for ourselves how we can best userepparttar 123152 resources available to us - how we can use them to connect to our own inner wisdom, inspirations, intuitions. Other people's insights are guiding lights. We don't need a zillion guiding lights, in fact we get lost if we are surrounded by too many of them - they point in too many different directions. Their role is simply to show us possibilities, which we can consider... and once we have chosen something to be our truth, we closerepparttar 123153 book, we turnrepparttar 123154 light off, and we get in touch with our own inner guidance.

One simple concept can drastically change our life. It can be, "Love yourself", it can be, "Be all that you can be", or "Fear is an illusion"... But none of these makes real sense, no concept will truly transform our life, if it's not integrated in every cell of our body, if it doesn't feel as tangible as if it came from us inrepparttar 123155 first place. We keep reading and listening to “teachers”, and "experts"; but who'srepparttar 123156 best expert, when it comes to you, or when it comes to me?

Launch Your Success

Written by Pam Murphy, B.S., RRT

Are you happy with your situation in life? Or do you find yourself wondering if “this is all there is”? If you’re wondering you’re a step ahead of lots of other people, who trudge daily to a 9-5 job working to make someone else rich, coming home inrepparttar evening to dinner and then mind-numbing television until they fall asleep, only to wake uprepparttar 123144 next morning and repeatrepparttar 123145 same safe, comfortable rut. Very little personal growth can take place in and dreams of wealth are not attainable when life is lived in a safe, comfortable rut.

It’s so easy to dorepparttar 123146 same thing everyday. And it’s safe and comfortable to dorepparttar 123147 same thing everyday. But if you don’t take action then you’re always going to have what you have right now.

Do you want to change your life? Do you want to liverepparttar 123148 life of your dreams? Do you want to haverepparttar 123149 freedom of having your own business? Do you want to fire your boss?


So you ask, How do I do that? First you have to decide what you want. What is important to you? When you dream of a better life what EXACTLY do you dream? Be specific when you answer this question. Start a success journal. Put your answer down on paper. What kind of business do you want? Do you want to provide a service or a product? Do you want a business which improves people’s lives? Why do you wantrepparttar 123150 business you want? How much money do you want to make? What GOOD will you do with your financial success? How will you give back to your ommunity? What is your business mission statement? Make a list of business and personal goals and specify dates by which you intend to reach each goal. Post your goals where you can see them everyday (i.e. onrepparttar 123151 refrigerator, bathroom mirror, your bedroom door,repparttar 123152 dashboard of your car, on your desk).

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