Wheelchair safety

Written by Paul Hood

Safety onrepparttar wheels is a concern for everyone. The question is how.

Keeping a safe environment for wheelchair users is easier said than done. There are a diverse set of factors that are involved which make ensuring safety on wheels quite difficult. However numerous these may be, a general set of tips is helpful to decreaserepparttar 114095 occurrence of wheelchair-related accidents if not totally eradicate it.

We are working on a premise thatrepparttar 114096 rider is able enough to carry himself usingrepparttar 114097 wheelchair. Cases whenrepparttar 114098 patient needs assistance for mobility are another case and won’t be hold much weight here though there are some advice that will be applicable to them as well.

A very sensible thing to follow is to keep your wheelchair in a good working condition. Much like other things say a car,repparttar 114099 wheelchair requires ample amounts of maintenance to keep it in a tip-top working condition. A well maintained wheelchair significantly reducesrepparttar 114100 risk of mishaps happening. Just imagine yourself cruising with your wheelchair onrepparttar 114101 expressway negotiating a 100 mile/hour run when suddenly your wheel just runs off. The result won’t be pretty. Of course it’s an overstatement but fromrepparttar 114102 example you can seerepparttar 114103 possible outcome of this negligence. A sudden breakdown of your wheelchair will most likely result to a broken hip or a twisted ankle to name a few. The condition of you wheel is very important to your well-being and safety.

Understand Your Digestive System

Written by Cheryl Haining

What Goes On Inside? (Your digestive System) Your well-being depends on what you eat, when you eat, how you eat, fluid intake and how well your food is absorbed. We absorb everything we need to sustain life through our lungs, digestive system and skin. A robust digestive system is central to our well-being, tirelessly extractingrepparttar fuel and nutrients we need fromrepparttar 114094 food we eat. It is vital that we are aware of protecting our digestive system.

We ingest many negative things that upset out well-being. Junk food, inadequate or poor quality fluids, pollution, alcohol, tobacco and other smoke and stress, all effectrepparttar 114095 efficiency ofrepparttar 114096 digestive system. When our digestive system is not functioning at it’s best,repparttar 114097 rest ofrepparttar 114098 body suffers. Nearly allrepparttar 114099 nutrients we need come fromrepparttar 114100 food and drink we consume. Some things that affectrepparttar 114101 digestive system and our health are ·Poor diet that is lacking in fresh fruits and vegetables and/or has excess intake of sugar ad saturated fats ·Eating when stressed or angry ·Irregular eating, missed meals ·Eating just before going to bed ·Eating too fast, not chewing foods ·Lack of fibre (you need 20 – 35 gms per day) ·Lack of ‘good’ bacteria inrepparttar 114102 gut ·Lack of gastric juices inrepparttar 114103 stomach ·Lack of digestive enzymes ·Drinking less than 2 litres of water a day

This is now explained in more detail Junk food, processed foods, refined sugars and flour products are more difficult to digest and do not supply good nutrition torepparttar 114104 body. Make sure that natural whole foods and fresh products provide most of your daily food intake. These help your digestive system to work as it should.

When you are under pressurerepparttar 114105 chemicals in your body change. This effectsrepparttar 114106 digestive system. Food is not properly digested and you absorb fewer nutrients. Try to be relaxed when you sit down to eat. Concentrate on what you are doing and enjoyrepparttar 114107 food you are eating.

Water helps ridrepparttar 114108 body of waste. Kidneys cannot function efficiently without adequate water. When they do not work to capacity, some ofrepparttar 114109 load is dumped ontorepparttar 114110 liver. Whenrepparttar 114111 liver has to do some ofrepparttar 114112 kidney’s work it cannot do it’s own energizing function. Lack of water can also result in constipation. Whenrepparttar 114113 body getsrepparttar 114114 water it needs to function optimally, its fluids are perfectly balanced.

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