What’s Ahead for 2005: DVD and Photo Restoration

Written by Paul Hood

Imagine your old and faded photos being restored like they were new; printing them and preventing any damage like before. Fantastic isn’t it? Well this is definitely for you!

A new rising trend isrepparttar growing awareness of people inrepparttar 107494 importance of durable output. Gone arerepparttar 107495 faded and damage photos of old. Withrepparttar 107496 right knowledge and equipment, you can provide a fountain of youth for your most treasured memories.

Old photos are now finding new life inrepparttar 107497 digital world. With advanced scanners, users are given freedom to crop, resize, save, save and print photos from memory cards or picture CDs without having to use a computer. A very efficient and user-friendly innovation that will surely propelrepparttar 107498 digital printing industry to new heights as more and more consumers are becoming aware ofrepparttar 107499 advantages of this technique. More improvements are expected to evolve asrepparttar 107500 need for better and more accessible tools for photo restoration mushroom.

The Street Painting Artist

Written by Maricon Williams

Artists fromrepparttar different part ofrepparttar 107493 globe go to street painting festivals – to paint it red. With chalks, pastels and paints in their hand, artists transformrepparttar 107494 street into a palate for all.

Jay Schwartz during an interview said that “Street painting is an extension of my fine art background. My initial exposure torepparttar 107495 medium was as a student at UCSB. I stumbled intorepparttar 107496 role of street painter by accident. The purity, tradition, and inspirational qualities are my main attractions torepparttar 107497 medium. My approach torepparttar 107498 street as canvas is much like any other visual communication problem: start with a strategy (subject matter, diagrams, keylines, etc.) and infuse my style intorepparttar 107499 project, allrepparttar 107500 while trying to maintain an overall view ofrepparttar 107501 big picture. Forrepparttar 107502 most part street painting is unique, mainly because ofrepparttar 107503 physicality ofrepparttar 107504 medium. I make a lot of my own chalks, so I can use colors that can't be reproduced through any other medium.

One ofrepparttar 107505 best among street painters is Manfred Stader who specialized himself in pastel. It is with self-manufactured pastel chalks that he paints copies of masters like Corregio, Bronzino, Bouguereau and many others.

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