Whatever Happened to Proofreading?

Written by Owen Johnson

One ofrepparttar great things aboutrepparttar 101971 Internet is it has made us instant communicators, instant authors and instant ad copy writers. One ofrepparttar 101972 WORST things aboutrepparttar 101973 Internet is it has made us instant communicators, instant authors and instant ad copy writers. Too many people just type an email and hit “send,” including emails intended to sell us something. Or they build a nice looking web page, type their content and immediately go to their FTP program and upload it. They don’t bother to read what they’ve written first.

We seerepparttar 101974 results of this daily: Email ads so poorly written we instantly delete them and web sites with so many typos we have no confidence inrepparttar 101975 business’ abilities or integrity. In short, lost sales. (The author of a guide I recently read about spotting scams onrepparttar 101976 Web mentioned that some things they all seem to have in common are misused and misspelled words, misused or missing punctuation and typos—sloppy work.) I’ve seen web sites that seemed to be written by people whose first language was something other than English andrepparttar 101977 whole message was lost.

And here’s one worth a chuckle—or a shake ofrepparttar 101978 head: While reading an eBook telling me how to write one and stressingrepparttar 101979 importance of proofreading, I saw more typos and misused words and punctuation than I could count. Now, how much should I trust this man’s advice? In fact, I’ve found that MOST eBooks telling us how to make money onrepparttar 101980 Internet are put together so haphazardly I’m becoming convinced there IS no way to make money using their methods. Anyone who throws together their information in such a hurry they don’t even proofread it doesn’t gain much credibility with me. And probably don’t with you, either.

I’ve been told that this sloppiness doesn’t matter much torepparttar 101981 younger generations, fromrepparttar 101982 “X-Generation” down, and that’s apparent byrepparttar 101983 fact that they tend to berepparttar 101984 ones who are most often guilty. But torepparttar 101985 older generations it matters a great deal. Now, guess which age group isrepparttar 101986 fastest growing in terms of Internet use? Which one hasrepparttar 101987 most money to spend? And which one actually spendsrepparttar 101988 most onrepparttar 101989 Internet? It’srepparttar 101990 Baby Boom generation, those people 45 to 55. If you want us to buy from you or believe what you have to say, you’d better make sure your copy is well written.

Hot on Yahoo's heels, comes Looksmart @.15 per click!

Written by S. Hartung

Inrepparttar headlong rush to reach sustained profitability, Yahoo has been doing all sorts of twists and turns. They increasedrepparttar 101970 price of submitting a site for "review" a while ago to $299.

Recently, they maderepparttar 101971 $299 fee annual.

Then, just a few weeks ago, they changed allrepparttar 101972 Yahoo Mail users preferences from "opt out" to "opt in" *without* asking them so that they could send ads to everyone!


Now, hot onrepparttar 101973 heels of Yahoo, comes LookSmart. But they've added another twist...

When Yahoo made changes to its policy, it "grandfathered" existing accounts (making them immune torepparttar 101974 changes and only applying them to new accounts),

However, LookSmart, who used to charge $199 for "Express Submit", which was then increased to $299 (sound familiar?) has now gone "Pay Per Click" (with no click costing less than 15 cents!).

Not only that, but they've appliedrepparttar 101975 changes to all existing accounts. So if you paid $299 for a "review", you now have to pay per click.

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