"What would you do if you could change your life right now"?

Written by Nicholas Dixon

Hello everybody and a good day (or night !) to you all.My name is Nicholas Dixon and I am in my early twenties and I reside onrepparttar beautiful island of Jamaica.I work full time in a public library , but in my spare time I design and market websites.I personally think that it is fun to help my fellow brother or sister to get what they want out of this life.

Success.What a powerful word and so sought after , yet it is so elusive to so many of us.If you look carefully at my personal quote on my website , you will realise that it contains a lot of truth.Success is never achieved by thinking of your own wants and needs , but by thinking about other people's wants and needs.Have you every notice thatrepparttar 123673 more you give of yourself ,repparttar 123674 more you have to give ? This is calledrepparttar 123675 law of abundance ,repparttar 123676 more you giverepparttar 123677 more you receive.

Believe me my friend , this is one ofrepparttar 123678 most fundamental keys to success along with hard work and perseverance.When you apply these steps to your life , I am sure that you will find it fuller and more richer than before.

Once I was "down on my face" and living life everyday without any meaningful purpose and going through a lot of personal torment.I used to believe that happiness came fromrepparttar 123679 things and people that surround me , but oh what a terrible mistake !! As Woody Allen puts it , "The talent of being happy is appreciating and liking what you have , not what you don't have".The morale to that is quite simply , learn to love and believe in yourself.Learn to believe inrepparttar 123680 word believe , because it is a powerful word.It breaks down all barriers and removes all fears once firmly established inrepparttar 123681 mind and will not stop inrepparttar 123682 path of any obstacle.Believe in your dreams my friend because it isrepparttar 123683 basis of your success.

One last thing I would like to mention is a mental-spiritual theory called Positive Thinking.Positive thinking , my friend is simply recognisingrepparttar 123684 negatives in life but refusing to dwell on them.Some people may argue at this point that I am being unrealistic by doing that and that it may not work.But believe me my friend it does work , but only if you give it a try fromrepparttar 123685 bottom of your heart.Try giving yourself daily "mental cleansing " so as to clear your mind of any negative thoughts that might exist in it.

Are you Overdue for Some Changes in Your Life?

Written by Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach

“The Life Coaching professionals atrepparttar Life Coach Clinic helped me beyond measure,” says Dr. J. Jordan, a senior management consultant,” to achieve those overdue changes in my life and providedrepparttar 123672 foundations for successful new directions and personal fulfillment.”

It’s for sure life isn’t static, andrepparttar 123673 one thing we can count on is change, but there’s so much talk these days about difficulty adjusting torepparttar 123674 amount and rate of change these days, have you considered it as an exciting, fulfilling and proactive choice?

I just got offrepparttar 123675 phone with a client in another country who has been asked to do a keynote address to an organizational group. It’s a professional conference for this group, but inrepparttar 123676 coming weeks, many of them are going to be transferred or given packages, as they downsize, a story that’s being played out in many companies aroundrepparttar 123677 world right now. She’s been asked to say something inspirational about change to these individuals who are about to have change forced upon them.

Life Coach Victoria Butterell (http://www.LifeCoachClinic.com ) would have lots to say to a group like this. She knows all aboutrepparttar 123678 positive aspects of change. Not long ago she suffered a near-fatal car crash and was forced to retrain from her former position. “It changed my life,” she says, “and it changed it forrepparttar 123679 better. My car crash was a major wake-up call. I had ignored previous, smaller signs that I needed to change my life. The crash convinced me not to waste another minute of my life and, fundamentally, that I wanted to enable other people to makerepparttar 123680 most of their lives, too.”


Victoria’s in an ideal position to help people awaken torepparttar 123681 transformational possibilities in change, so much so she now advocates intentional change and helps other people makerepparttar 123682 changes they need and want to, or weatherrepparttar 123683 ones they must.

How about that? While most people are lamentingrepparttar 123684 constantly accelerating pace of change in today’s world, there’s a proactive position to be had: get out there and make change happen. More radical than that, try changing yourself.

Dr. Jordan is one of Victoria Butterell’s former clients, and he now realizesrepparttar 123685 changes created in coaching in his life were “overdue.”

How about you and your life? Are you overdue for a change? Have you thought about it that way?

Life has a way of making us change, when we don’t get active and choose our own changes.


When people over 65 were asked, in a recent survey, “If you could live your life over, what would you do differently?” they answered:

1.I’d take more time to stop and askrepparttar 123686 big questions. 2.I’d be more courageous and take more risks in work and love. 3.I’d try to live with purpose – to make a difference.


The wisdom seniors are sharing gels with recent research findings thatrepparttar 123687 primary ingredient for finding happiness is being willing to RISK. Dr. Jordan, withrepparttar 123688 help of his coach, Victoria, has learned to embrace change.

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