What to look for when choosing Affiliate Programs

Written by Jonathan Kraft

So you've decided you want to become an Internet Marketer, huh? Will you sell someone else's products or sell your own?

If you choose to sell someone else's products, how will you know what to look for? After all, this is a new venture for you.

Or maybe it's not. Maybe you have been trying out some affiliate programs which have not brought you any money, or, worse, have not paid you forrepparttar affiliate traffic you have sent them.

If you arerepparttar 108789 new person, orrepparttar 108790 person who is floundering in Internet Marketing, this article will offer you some simple tips for choosing an affiliate program.

This article doesn't cover getting traffic to your site, which is another huge piece ofrepparttar 108791 puzzle, and will be covered in a later article, but let's just start with choosing affiliate programs.

#1. You should find affiliate programs that:

a) are relatively easy to set up (code is either created for you or easy to create)

b) will pay you well. This depends on your definition of what being paid well means, but generally, for most beginners, and some novices, if you can see yourself being able to make more than $250/month,repparttar 108792 program is at least worth looking at

c) give you products which people actually use. There are lots of products inrepparttar 108793 market which will sell, but do you really want to be selling pet rocks? If you do, please don't take offense. Most legitimate affiliate advice sites won't feature affiliate programs that are exclusively selling something like 8-Track players and tapes. While there are probably collectors out there who would love an 8-track player and cassettes,repparttar 108794 fact is thatrepparttar 108795 market is done with 8-tracks. The point is, there should be a genuine need for, or interest in, what you are selling/reselling.

So you find a program which meetsrepparttar 108796 above criteria. Now what? Do a Google search onrepparttar 108797 company. Find out what people are saying about them. You may have to dig a bit, butrepparttar 108798 combined experience ofrepparttar 108799 professionals (and not-so-professionals) who develop and contribute torepparttar 108800 Internet on a regular basis is, collectively,repparttar 108801 best source of advice you will find on making money, or affiliate programs, anywhere.

10 Free Business Resources I Wish I'd Known About When I Started Out

Written by Richard Adams

The impression that you need large sums of money to set up a successful (and profitable) website is totally wrong.

Indeed,repparttar longer that I do business onrepparttar 108788 Internetrepparttar 108789 more I find that there are numerous free resources out there that can be amazingly helpful. I thought therefore that I'd put together a list of my ten favourite free business-building resources and exactly what they can do for you.


1) Link Checkers

Visitors to websites hate "dead links" - links that don't got anywhere.

And because visitors hate it, so do search engines. They'll penalise you for dead links.

Therefore, by just making sure all your links work properly you'll look more professional, get better rankings inrepparttar 108790 search engines and build better rapport with your visitors.

> http://validator.w3.org/checklink

2) Alexa

Alexa ranks websites by traffic. The smallerrepparttar 108791 number of their ranking,repparttar 108792 more traffic they get.

You can use it to keep a running tab of whether your traffic is increasing or decreasing - and compare it to your competitors.

Another useful feature is to check out potential link partners. Someone emails you and asks for a reciprocal link. But if you're getting more visitors each day than they'll get all year then it's not a fair deal - you'll send them tons of traffic and get virtually nothing back in exchange.

> http://www.alexa.com

3) Google Toolbar

The Google toolbar has two particurly useful features.

Firstly by installing it on your browser, whenever you visit a website it'll tell you their Google PageRank. PageRank is Google's measure of how "important" a site is. A PR of 1-2 is typical for new sites. 5 is reasonable and 7+ is very impressive indeed.

By only linking to high PR sites (5+) Google will see you in a better light.

Secondly, is thatrepparttar 108793 Google Toolbar effortlessly lets you check "backwards links".

That way, you simply surf over to each of your main competitors, and use this feature to see which websites are linking to them. Then assess each website based on their PR and Alexa ranking to quickly come up with a powerful list of potential link partners. Easy!

> http:/ oolbar.google.com/

4) BetterWhois

You've got a list of potential link partners with high quality sites. Next visit each one to check forrepparttar 108794 quality ofrepparttar 108795 site and that it's theme is closely related to yours.

Then find some way to contact them.

But what if you can't find one anywhere?

Just visit BetterWhois, type inrepparttar 108796 domain name, and up will pop allrepparttar 108797 information - including their email address.

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