What the Taco Bell Manager Taught Me About Customer Retention

Written by Diane Hughes

I didn't plan to get a marketing lesson. I really just wanted a steak chalupa! But as I went throughrepparttar Taco Bell ordering line, my day took an interesting twist.

I've always been one to give compliments when they were due. So, after receiving repeatedly good service at this location, I decided I'd singrepparttar 106165 staff's praises. I asked to seerepparttar 106166 manager. Fred came over and offered to help me.

I told him how pleased I was withrepparttar 106167 service, and that - from my experience - not all Taco Bell's were created equal. (I had gotten some pretty rotten service at other restaurants.) Fred just smiled and said, "Well, I'm not onlyrepparttar 106168 manager, but I own allrepparttar 106169 Taco Bell's inrepparttar 106170 city. I bet I can tell you which stores left you unhappy."

I was surprised. I named one location that I'd visited recently and Fred interrupted with, "The manager is not personable and doesn't treatrepparttar 106171 employees well. I've been trying to find a replacement but have had no luck so far."

I named another store to which Fred replied, "That area is full of rich kids who are undependable and don't have any work ethic."

For each location I named, Fred began to tell me how good (or not so good)repparttar 106172 employees were. Never once did he say, "They can't make a taco to save their lives!" In fact, there was no mention ofrepparttar 106173 food at all. He didn't say, "They pre-make their burritos and let them sit" or "I've told them a hundred times they need to put more cheese on that." It all revolved around people.

Next Fred made his point. "Ma'am, it all lies withrepparttar 106174 employees. The food isrepparttar 106175 same all over, but some stores - even in great locations - have lousy sales becauserepparttar 106176 people don't treat my customers well."

Who Says the Customer is Always Right?

Written by Diane Hughes

We all knowrepparttar old adage, "The Customer is Always Right." If you are an online business owner or offline for that matter, you are on both sides ofrepparttar 106164 subject almost everyday.

Before I started my online business, I was just on one side...repparttar 106165 customer. I whole-heartedly believed inrepparttar 106166 above adage and never questioned it at all. In fact, I would get rather perturbed at ANY business owner, manager, or supervisor that would disagree with any complaint I had.

When I started my own online business back in 1997, I slowly began to learnrepparttar 106167 "other side."

My business products are all downloadable. If your business includes downloaded material, you know where I'm going with this one. I get NUMEROUS complaints EVERYDAY about usernames and passwords not working, corrupt downloads, andrepparttar 106168 big one... "I can't openrepparttar 106169 download." Now I always reply in a very helpful gesture, but my first question is always, "Are you enteringrepparttar 106170 username and password exactly as shown?" This seems to be one ofrepparttar 106171 "biggies" with newbies. They do not understand "case-sensitive" -- heck -- they don't even know what that means!

But it doesn't matter HOW simple I makerepparttar 106172 instructions and overall download process, I STILL get these everyday. I am accused of being a "scammer" at least 4 - 5 times a week... and that's on a GOOD week! :o)

The whole point ofrepparttar 106173 above example is NOT that customers are wrong -- that's notrepparttar 106174 problem at all. Many of them are very new torepparttar 106175 internet and sadly, they do not read throughrepparttar 106176 directions most ofrepparttar 106177 time. I have found that I basically have to put myself back intorepparttar 106178 "newbie" frame of mind -- as hard as that is to do! I don't remember NOT knowing how to download, enter case-sensitive passwords, etc.

You MUST try to understand that customer... atrepparttar 106179 point of contact, whether by email or phone, they have probably sat there for HOURS trying to figure it out. They are irritated, angry, and they've pretty much decided at that point that you scammed them.

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