What is the Ultimate Lifestyle?

Written by Bob Scheinfeld

Sincerepparttar mission of this newsletter is to help you define, carve out, and live your own Ultimate Lifestyle, I figured I should devote some space to laying a proper foundation for doing that.

Before you can hit a target, you need to know where it is! So, to begin, let's answerrepparttar 103477 question:

What is The Ultimate Lifestyle?

First of all, it's different for different people. There are no rules or formulas. For some people, it means a lot of money, lots of "stuff," a fast-paced and "jet-set" sort of lifestyle. For others, it means a very simple, slow-paced life that focuses on service to others. And for others, it's every possible scenario in between these two "extremes."

There's no right or wrong lifestyle, or good or bad lifestyle.

There's just what works for you -- and it will likely change over time. I know it has for me.

No matter how you end up defining Ultimate Lifestyle for yourself, now and inrepparttar 103478 future, there are 8 components that must be considered:

1) Income Streams

To live your Ultimate Lifestyle, you must have income streams flowing that allow you to pay your bills and finance allrepparttar 103479 "extras" you prefer. To me,repparttar 103480 ultimate target to shoot for in this arena is to have income streams flowing whether you "show up" for "work" or not, so you can choose what you want to show up for (even if it continues to be what you call "work" or a "job.").

That's what I've been able to achieve by applying my Invisible Path/11th Element strategies combined with direct marketing on and offrepparttar 103481 Internet.

Having income streams flowing whether you show up or now seems like "pie inrepparttar 103482 sky" to many people, but it's actually very attainable in today's world. You'll learn more about how to do it in future issues.

2) Emotions and Beliefs

Many people fail to create their Ultimate Lifestyle because they have emotional blocks, issues, or beliefs (what I call "p.s's." or "master biography files") that hold them back. Other people have produced extraordinary results and could live their Ultimate Lifestyle, but their blocks, issues or beliefs prevent them from doing it -- or fully enjoying it.

Therefore, living The Ultimate Lifestyle must include having access to resources and inner skills that allow you to uncover and remove, heal, or release any blocks, issues or beliefs that hold you back. You'll learn more about how to do that in future issues.

3) Fulfillment and Satisfaction

Whether you have a 9-5 job and career, you're a full-time mom, or whatever you do with your time, a big part of living The Ultimate Lifestyle means getting as much fulfillment and satisfaction from what you spend your time on as possible.

Many people don't ask for this, don't focus on this, and therefore don't get it. You must make it part of your intention and focus!

4) Living Environment

How and where do you want to live? Inrepparttar 103483 mountains? Inrepparttar 103484 big city? Onrepparttar 103485 water? Multiple homes? Do you want to live in a big home or a small home? Is privacy or seeing beautiful scenery out your windows important to you? Do you like modern furnishings, antiques, or an eclectic mix? Livingrepparttar 103486 Ultimate Lifestyle means asking these questions and having a home base that nourishes you at a very deep level. My family recently moved to Charlottesville, Virginia in pursuit ofrepparttar 103487 nourishing living environment we craved -- and we got it, even better than we expected!

Five Reasons People Fail to Realize Their Dreams

Written by Jason Mann

Five (5) Reasons People Fail to Realize Their Dreams

By: Jason Mann

If you’re like me you work everyday to achieve something you desire.

Most people work because they want to solve a problem. Even working 9-5 is all about making money so you can haverepparttar things you want.

So why is it that people online fail to realize their dreams and end up quitting?

After talking with many business owners who had decided to shut their doors I discovered they all had five things in common.

The five things were:

#1: Feeling overwhelmed

Feeling overwhelmed is not hard to do. Everyday we are bombarded with new strategies and ideas and hundreds of “breakthrough” products and services.

So how do you over come this suffocation.

You focus onrepparttar 103476 steps you need to take to reach your goals andrepparttar 103477 decisions that will help you obtain results.

If you know that you want to earn more money then you must decide on a path and stick with it until one of two things happens. (A) You achieve your goal or (B) you proverepparttar 103478 path you chose is not working.

Either way, sticking to your intended path isrepparttar 103479 only way to achieve any results.

#2: Followingrepparttar 103480 wrong advice

When I wanted to learn how to write advertising for my business, I sought out people who were getting paid $10,000-$50,000 to write on advertisement.

Highly successful advertising writers who hadrepparttar 103481 knowledge I wanted. I surrounded myself with them. I started corresponding with them and picked their brains for what information they would offer up.

In short, seek outrepparttar 103482 people that are where you want to be and surround yourself with them. You will soon find yourself raising your level to theirs. #3: Thinking about Money

After speaking with dozens of highly successful people I have found they view their business quite different fromrepparttar 103483 rest ofrepparttar 103484 world.

You see, they believe in setting themselves apart fromrepparttar 103485 rest ofrepparttar 103486 crowd and doing something others don’t do very often. In fact, onrepparttar 103487 web it is becoming even rarer with each new business that starts up.

They think about YOU. You really matter to them. Ever buy something because you likedrepparttar 103488 wayrepparttar 103489 people made you feel? If you think about it, you have bought a lot of things because of that.

You felt safe and comfortable so you pulled out your money and bought something from them.

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