What is the Quantum Connection? Description

Written by Charlotte Anthony

Quantum Connections Quantum Connections isrepparttar ezine of A Quantum Reach, where we are puttingrepparttar 124226 heart in health care, one person at a time. We believe it’s time to gain control over OUR personal health and OUR health care system. Wherever you are inrepparttar 124227 system (a patient, a caregiver or completely healthy), A Quantum Reach shows

Who we are A-Quantum-Reach.com

Written by Charlotte Anthony

A Quantum Reach - puttingrepparttar heart in health care. Are you controlling your health or is it controlling YOU? We at A Quantum Reach believe its time to regain control over OUR personal health and OUR health care system. Wherever you are inrepparttar 124225 system (a patient, a caregiver or completely healthy), A Quantum Reach teaches you real-life techniques to integrate intuition, intention, partnering with doctors and effective communication for healthy results. The answer is not to turn our backs onrepparttar 124226 creative healing process. Traditional and alternative treatments can indeed coexist.

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