What is the CMMI?

Written by Francis Dion


The CMMI is a model for improving and appraisingrepparttar performance of development organizations. It stands for "Capability Maturity Model Integration". It is published and developed byrepparttar 149270 Software Engineering Institute in Pittsburgh, PA.

The CMM (the original version ofrepparttar 149271 CMMI) was originally commissioned byrepparttar 149272 American Department of Defense to help them qualify software vendors' capabilities. From there it quickly evolved into a powerful tool to guide process improvement initiatives, not only for Software Development but for many related fields such as Systems Engineering, Product Acquisition, Team Management, Research and Development, etc.

Todayrepparttar 149273 CMMI is used aroundrepparttar 149274 world in military, commercial and government organizations. It has been shown to reducerepparttar 149275 risks associated with development projects, increase efficiency and improverepparttar 149276 overall quality of products and deliverables. Many civil industries such as transportation and telecommunications are making it a requirement for submissions to large tenders. Countries such as India and China are also using it to position themselves as dependable, trustworthy providers of world class outsourcing services.

The CMMI is best known for its five levels of organizational maturity (see figure below). Each level represents a coherent set of best practices organizations are expected to implement as they become better at what they do.

Level 1: Initial (Majority of Organizations) Level 2: Managed Process Level 3: Defined Process Level 4: Quantatively Managed Process Level 5: Optimizing Process (less than 5% of Organizations)

To each maturity level are associated a number of related process areas. The process areas can be viewed as very detailed checklists of what goals need to be achieved, what activities performed, and what artifact created and maintained to satisfyrepparttar 149277 requirements for a specific part ofrepparttar 149278 overall development process. The following listsrepparttar 149279 CMMI process areas organized by maturity level. (Source: CMMI version 1.1 SW/SE/IPPD Staged Representation )

Maturity Level 1: No process area associated withrepparttar 149280 maturity level 1

Maturity Level 2: Requirements Management Project Planning Project Monitoring and Control Supplier Agreement Management Measurements and Analysis Process and Product Quality Assurance Configuration Management

Maturity Level 3: Requirements Development Technical Solution Verification Validation Product Integration Organizational Process Focus Organizational Process Definition Organizational Training Integrated Project Management for IPPD Integrated Supplier Management Risk Management Decision Analysis and Resolution Integrated Teaming Organizational Environment for Integration

Maturity Level 4: Quantitative Project Management Organizational Process Performance

Maturity Level 5: Causal Analysis and Resolution Organizational Innovation and Deployment

The CMMI also include Generic Goals and Generic Practices. These model elements coverrepparttar 149281 organization's ability to perform, manage, share, measure and improve its processes.

A new feature ofrepparttar 149282 CMMI (as opposed torepparttar 149283 original CMM) isrepparttar 149284 ability to choose between two representations ofrepparttar 149285 model: Staged or Continuous. Generally speaking,repparttar 149286 Staged representation is better suited to focusrepparttar 149287 organization towards tangible yet high level goals, whilerepparttar 149288 Continuous representation allows forrepparttar 149289 precise customization of a process improvement program or appraisal to better meet an organization's specific requirements.

BENEFITS Here are some ofrepparttar 149290 major benefits you can achieve by using repparttar 149291 CMMI in your organization:

1. KNOWING YOUR TRADE Are you sure everybody involved in your projects knows exactly what their job is and how it relates with what everyone else is doing? Just go aroundrepparttar 149292 office and ask these simple questions…

… Torepparttar 149293 project managers: a. What isrepparttar 149294 difference between a plan and a schedule? b. What do you record aboutrepparttar 149295 estimates that are being made? c. Do you estimate size as well as effort when doing your planning? Do you monitor both attributes duringrepparttar 149296 life ofrepparttar 149297 project?

… Torepparttar 149298 configuration managers: a. What is a baseline? b. What isrepparttar 149299 purpose of a configuration audit? c. Who authorizes changes torepparttar 149300 configuration units?

Activities vs Results

Written by Graeme Nichol

You have two employees, one that comes to work early and is alwaysrepparttar last to leave. They always seem to be busy rushing here and there. The second employee doesn’t ever work late unless asked to and really doesn’t seem to be that busy. If you had to choose one, which employee would you rather have in your company?

In my opinion,repparttar 149185 amount of activity they seem to be doing tells me nothing. I am not interested in how much an employee runs around and how many hours they work. What is important isrepparttar 149186 RESULTS they produce. Which employee does their work on time and performs above expectations? That isrepparttar 149187 employee I want around.

Employees that regularly work overtime and always seem to be rushing around raise a red flag. Either they are disorganized, or they don’t know what they are doing or they have too much work to do. If they are disorganized and if they don’t know what they are doing they need to be trained. If they have too much work to do, I either need to reorganize my company or employ an additional person.

People often confuse activity with results. Time and again we come across business owners and executives who believe they are adding tremendously to their company because ofrepparttar 149188 numerous hours they put in. When we analyze what they spend their days doing, we usually find that they spend a lot of time doing someone else’s work.

Why do someone else’s work? Well, it is often easier and more enjoyable work. They can be seen to be busy – confusing activity with results. Sometimes they really have no idea what they should be doing and therefore do anything.

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