What is really going on with you?

Written by Caroline Jalango

What’s really going on? What is causing that inner turmoil within your body? What is causingrepparttar discord, what is pulling you apart threatening to tearrepparttar 129840 very fiber that holds you together?

Are you not supposed to be happy, in control, in charge of your life and enjoyingrepparttar 129841 life that you were born to live?

Then why are you feeling dissatisfied, unfulfilled, and unhappy? What is this silent restlessness? Why can’t you just be satisfied with what you have?

Perhaps you are career driven and have many responsibilities. Your professional qualifications and expertise speaks for itself.

You finally gotrepparttar 129842 job you had desired all this years,repparttar 129843 job of your dreams and now that you have it, you are wondering why you even desired it! The job pays well and you are inrepparttar 129844 right position, but you want something else, something more, another job and this is not it. What is really going on?

Perhaps you have wonderful friends and family whom you have been avoiding lately because you have been searching for something.

You don’t even know clearly what it is you are looking for, but you feelrepparttar 129845 need to be alone, to stay away from social activities and to kind of cut down on fun time. You would love to mingle but you feel deep inside thatrepparttar 129846 time is not right. More than everrepparttar 129847 phrase there is a time and place for everything is becoming your Mantra! What is really going on?

Perhaps everyone thinks that you arerepparttar 129848 luckiest person inrepparttar 129849 world because you have got things moving in your direction, you have always beenrepparttar 129850 envy of many, you come fromrepparttar 129851 right family and fromrepparttar 129852 right side ofrepparttar 129853 tracks, but deep down inside, you do not feel lucky, you are hurting inside and you don’t know why?

You just want to scream out for help but you dare not, you want people to see you for who you are, to know that you are not super human, things are falling apart in your life…what is really going on?

How to get rid of inaction paralysis!

Written by Caroline Jalango

How many times have you come up with a brilliant idea only to find yourself paralyzed with inaction and wondering/regretting why you never pursued it?

How many times have you allowed those unfounded fears to stand inrepparttar way of your progress? How many times will you keep allowing inaction paralysis to rob you ofrepparttar 129839 life you want?

Whether you want to start a business, write a book or are looking for a new job or new clients, if you want to get results…you must act when your emotions are still high andrepparttar 129840 idea you have is sizzling hot! This is usuallyrepparttar 129841 time whenrepparttar 129842 idea is so powerful and clear in your mind. You feel confident and enthusiastic…from this vantage point “anything is possible.”

To turn intention into reality, you probably know that you not only have to “strike whilerepparttar 129843 iron is hot” but also make your idea or goal hotter by striking immediately.

Since you realize this, as soon asrepparttar 129844 idea comes to your mind, you quickly begin to planrepparttar 129845 actions you are going to take to ensure that you succeed. As you begin to get more specific onrepparttar 129846 details ofrepparttar 129847 action plan…you suddenly begin to panic!

All sorts of fears and doubts begin to creep in. You begin to question yourself and your abilities. Questions like these begin to cross your mind…what will they think of my idea? What if they don’t like me? What if it doesn’t work? Am I setting myself up for rejection/failure? Will I be able to deliver? Can I really do this? Do I really know what I am getting myself into? Is my idea really worthrepparttar 129848 value I am placing on it? Does this sound familiar?

The moment you begin to panic isrepparttar 129849 moment that idea and inaction paralysis sets in! Your passion begins to fizzle andrepparttar 129850 importance and value of your idea begins to diminish in your eyes…if you don’t STOP and recognize that this is something you can overcome …you stand to lose it all.

Here are 3 quick ways to stop inaction paralysis and get moving on your goal.

1. Acknowledgerepparttar 129851 negative thoughts you are having.

This does not mean giving in to negative thoughts; it means accepting that you are having those thoughts and preparing to deal with them one by one. I suggest writing down a list of allrepparttar 129852 thoughts that are standing inrepparttar 129853 way of your idea or goal.

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