What is Wiki?

Written by S. Housley

What is Wiki? Wiki is web server software that allows users to contribute content. Collaboration isrepparttar key to Wiki, which is designed as a powerful system for online communities to build web pages and web sites. Unlike blogs and forums, all users are allowed to contribute and edit existing content. Wiki is derived fromrepparttar 141972 Hawaiian term "wiki wiki" meaning "quick". The concept behind a Wiki is that collaboration on projects will move it along quicker.

Wikis generally allow web pages to be written, edited and created collectively in a web browser. Wiki supports hyperlinks and simple text. Most Wikis are open, and allow any userrepparttar 141973 ability to editrepparttar 141974 contents of a Wiki web page. While some say this opensrepparttar 141975 concept to abuse, Wiki moderators and self-policing inrepparttar 141976 Wiki sector appear to be taking hold. Wiki supporters generally feel that it is generally easier to correct mistakes than createrepparttar 141977 content from scratch. Wikipedia is a standing symbol of what many would consider a succesful Wiki.

Wikipedia - Wikipedia is a popular content encyclopedia that anyone can edit. http://www.wikipedia.com

Other topic-specific Wikis like Robin Good's RSS Wiki are proving that collaborative efforts in niche markets can work.

RSS Wiki - http://www.masternewmedia.org/reports/newsmasterstoolkit/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

It is true that Wikis are open to abuse, but by design, it is very easy for a Wiki moderator or other editor to revertrepparttar 141978 Wiki to how it appeared prior to edits, essentially rolling backrepparttar 141979 Wiki and removing any content deemed inappropriate or unrelated. Many Wikis trackrepparttar 141980 IP address of visitors and editors, making it easy to track changes and roll back any edits from individuals that appear to be abusing their privileges. In rare cases Wiki operators can protect pages, making them read-only, which restricts any edits from occurring. While such actions are againstrepparttar 141981 true Wiki philosophy, restrictions can be used to preserverepparttar 141982 structure of fully-developed Wikis and protect pages from abuse.

Design does matter

Written by Amanda Vlahakis

The idea that good design can improve how people perceive your business has long been a part of a designer’s sales tools. They try to convince you that by improving your image, maybe creating a new logo or changingrepparttar way you communicate with your customers you can somehow improve sales and improve your bottom line. But are they right? Overrepparttar 141945 years many companies have been sceptical about these claims because of a lack of concrete evidence. Designers struggle to back up their claims with written evidence and so this argument for good design often falls down atrepparttar 141946 first hurdle. Companies fail to understand why they should invest time and money in improving their visual identity if there is no tangible result. However, last year The Design Council releasedrepparttar 141947 results of a groundbreaking study onrepparttar 141948 link betweenrepparttar 141949 use of design and financial performance. The study published in March 2004 finally recognisedrepparttar 141950 direct relationship between effective use of design and financial performance. The study looked at 166 design-led UK quoted companies over a period of ten years from 1994 to 2003. A group of 63 companies were recognised as effective users of design. This was based onrepparttar 141951 fact that they consistently appeared inrepparttar 141952 listings at various design award schemes.

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