What is Tinnitus?

Written by Jason Rickard

Tinnitus is characterized by a continuous or intermittent sound inrepparttar ear. Many people experience it as a ringing inrepparttar 137351 ears, other sounds including crickets, whooshing, pulsing, ocean waves, buzzing and even music. It can be a temporary condition or may be a lifetime problem.

The causes of Tinnitus are thought to vary from a variety of different things including a single loud noise like an explosion or even a shot gun blast, an ear infection, a head injury, or from a disease.

Tinnitus can also be a symptom of other ear disorders including blocked ear canal, blocked Eustachian tube, Otosolerosis, Meniere’s disease, damage caused by drugs such as some antibiotics, hearing loss, and tumors ofrepparttar 137352 middle ear. It can also be seen in patients with other disorders such as anemia, heart and blood vessel disorders, and hypothyroidism.

Even a simple thing such as a buildup of wax can cause Tinnitus. The most common cause does seem to be a prolonged exposure to loud sounds like music from boom boxes, construction equipment, industrial equipment, and other loud repetitive sounds. But, even a one time loud blast can bring onrepparttar 137353 symptoms.

Help for Tinnitus Sufferers

Written by Jason Rickard

There are a few ways to help withrepparttar constant sounds that you are plagued with. Most people only notice these annoying ringing sounds or whooshing sounds when everything is quiet, like at night when you are trying to go to sleep. There are a few ways to combatrepparttar 137350 ringing to get a peaceful nights sleep.

If you notice while you are inrepparttar 137351 shower or listening to other music your Tinnitus is better. You will find that soft sounds such as fromrepparttar 137352 shower or ocean waves can relieve some ofrepparttar 137353 sounds associated with Tinnitus. You can find some wonderful CD’s with which you can use earphones and listen during episodes of tinnitus. You can even just listen to them without earphones at night while you are going to sleep. These CD’s will help relieve Tinnitus and you will loverepparttar 137354 peaceful nights rest.

Other remedies you can try include cutting out alcohol, smoking or caffeine. These items have proven to make tinnitus worse. Salt should also be cut down in your diet as it causes a build up of fluid in your ears.

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