What is Pay Per Call? How does it work?Written by Joe Balestrino
Pay Per Call is next wave of advertising on Internet. Similar to a Pay – Per –Click advertising. Pay Per Call has a lot more to offer and a wider audience in mind. The Pay-Per Call (PP-Call) is geared towards small businesses that do not have a web presence on internet. However, this form of advertising can be used by all types of business or services offered on net.Advertisers create an ad similar to a Pay-Per-Click (PP-Click) ad. Advertisers choose key terms in which they would like to appear under. They also choose their geographical location (local, regional or national) Pricing starts at $2 and can exceed $20. The ad itself consists of a headline and 2 additional lines of text, (including a URL if company has one). Surfers then call toll free number shown in ad. After surfer calls number, call is forwarded to actual business phone. Seems pretty basic doesn’t it? But, I had a few questions I needed answered so I contacted Ingenio and spoke to them about their service. My first question regarded calls placed after business hours. If my business phones are manned Monday – Friday, 9 to 5, will calls still come in after 5pm on Friday? The answer is that currently there is no automated scheduling that will turn your ads on or off at a specified time. However, you can go in manually and pause your account so that your ads are not shown during non-business hours. The automated scheduling is in process of being implemented but there is currently no set date for this to take effect. Of course, you can place your business hours in ad as well but this may take up valuable space that could be better utilized describing products or services. Businesses that have a call center for after hours calls are effectively 24 hour businesses, so this should not be an issue for them.
| | More Links, Better Ranking in Search Engines!Written by Azani
You have a great full content of web site that you have submitted URL to every search engines available. Your web site's META tags are also completed with descriptions, keyword and robot instructions. You think your web site is better then your competitors. But... unfortunately, your site is still lying in dark site of those search engine. Means, your page ranking is not on first, second or third page when certain phrase about your web site was search by search engine. What is wrong? Hmm... Ok, go to google.com and type "link:www.yoursite.com", where is "link:" is a command to list down any incoming link. Note down how many web sites have your link from theirs. Now type "link:www.yourcompetitor.com", who have better ranking than you. How many incoming links they have? I think you got picture now.Yes, in order to get a better or higher ranking in search engines particularly in Google you must get more incoming links from other web site. Search Engine Optimizer (SOE) refer this as "Link Popularity". More links you get means higher ranking in search engine's search result. Usually, you do not need to submit your URL to search engine manually to be listed, you only need to be linked by other web site. The search engine robot will crawl from site to site by available link. If it found new web site that did not listed yet, it will index it. So, I think get more links is most important thing to do to expose your web site to world. How to improve link popularity? You must be very careful in getting links. Do not involve in "Links-For-All" repository scheme, which do more harm than good for your web site. They were design especially for getting high ranking, which sometime violate Term of Service of search engines. The search have a mechanism to differentiate between good and bad links. If caught, sorry, your web site will be in great trouble for a very long time.