What is Optimum Performance?

Written by Dr. Jamie Fettig

Have you ever thought about how much better you could be doing in your business or career? What about your relationship with someone you love orrepparttar state of your health right now?

I have to admit that at any point in my life, one or more of these areas needs more attention than I give it.

There seems to be so much to do, so much to accomplish if 'more' isrepparttar 128622 focus.

Let me suggest thatrepparttar 128623 quest for more is a trap. It never stops.

Optimum performance is about playing life atrepparttar 128624 highest possible level. If we are so full of potential, then why are most of us not living up to that potential in every area of our life?

There are a couple of very good reasons that make perfect sense and we'll start with desire, passion and fun. Do you remember when you were a kid and all you wanted to do was play?

What was one thing you loved to do that you could do for hours and never want to stop?

Ask yourself why?

If you are like me, then it's because it was fun and exciting and you felt good doing it. It made you happy and you never wanted to stop doing it until you dropped.

We all knew that we could get hurt running, playing, and challenging ourselves. Butrepparttar 128625 reward of having fun, feeling free andrepparttar 128626 sense of accomplishment was worthrepparttar 128627 price.

We were born natural risk takers back then. What happened and why is it relevant to optimum performance?

Part ofrepparttar 128628 reason you enjoyed what you did wasrepparttar 128629 'positive feedback' you received from others.

The other more important part is because it was what you wanted to do. It didn't really matter how 'good' you were. The 'how good' was secondary to just having fun.

Cancel Cancel How Giving Attention to What You Don't Want Brings More of It

Written by Michael Losier

© Michael Losier 2004. You may include this article in your ezine or on your website or distribute it to others, provided you includerepparttar copyright statement andrepparttar 128620 bio information tag line found atrepparttar 128621 end of this article.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you heard yourself or others say 'cancel cancel' after catching that a negative declarative statement was made, usually about something unwanted? Saying 'cancel cancel' is actually giving it more attention. Saying 'cancel cancel' keepsrepparttar 128622 thought alive and fuels it, like blowing onrepparttar 128623 embers of a fire to start small flames.

Law of Attraction can be defined as ..."The Law

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