What is Network MarketingWritten by Daegan Smith
It seems like an easy question, but when you stop to think about it could you really give an accurate description of what network marketing is? If you were asked this question right now how would you answer it? Would you say, "It's a business where you recruit people and then they recruit more people", or could you really give someone a concise answer?To be honest . . . the reason why I am writing this article is because, although I have been an active network marketer for over two years, I doubt my own ability to answer this question without stumbling over my words. According to "Network Marketing for Dummies" By Zig Ziglar and John P Hayes here is full concise definition of network marketing (p. 2): Network Marketing is a system for distributing goods and services through networks of thousands of independent salespeople, or distributors. The distributors earn money by selling goods and services and also recruiting and sponsoring other salespeople who become part of their downline, or sales organizations. Distributors earn monthly commissions or bonuses on sales revenue generated by their downline.
| | What Network Marketing is NOTWritten by Daegan Smith
There are so many misconceptions flying around out there about what network marketing is or is not. Let's take a few seconds to review what network marketing is NOT.Network Marketing is NOT an Illegal Pyramid scheme Pyramid schemes and network marketing are not same thing in any way shape or form. A pyramid schemes is illegal and network marketing is not. Pyramid schemes are illegal financial engines where there are no products or services being sold. Pyramid schemes are just an opportunity to redistribute money from one person to another. Network marketing on other hand is a legal business model where real and legitimate products and services are distributed between large networks of customers. Network Marketing is NOT a way to get rich quick Although some may advertise certain network marketing opportunities with a get in now and be rich in 5 minutes type hype that never happens. If you ever hear of someone getting into a network marketing opportunity and having immediate success it's because they had some sort of prior experience that set them up for that success. In general it takes 5 - 7 years of committed business building to get those large checks that so many of use out there want. If you want to get rich network marketing can definitely help you make that happen, but I assure you it's not going to be as quick as you think. Network Marketing is NOT just for salespeople