What is Hypnosis?

Written by Paul Gustafson, RN, BSN, CH

Thought Process

In order to explain hypnosis it helps to understand how we processrepparttar endless stream of information we are bombarded with everyday. Our conscious mind acts asrepparttar 114193 gate keeper. It judges, critiques, accepts or denies information for storage in our long-term memory or subconscious mind. With repeated exposure or repetition torepparttar 114194 same information or experiences, our thoughts can evolve into actions.

The subconscious stores all of our habits, patterns, values and beliefs. It’s alsorepparttar 114195 home of our imagination as well as our body’s control center. It tells our heart when to beat, our lungs when to breath and controls every step we take every day of our life. It’s a very powerful place.

Once a subconscious pattern is established it’s pretty tough to break. Think ofrepparttar 114196 subconscious mind asrepparttar 114197 hard drive of your computer. Once you down-load a program it automatically repeats every time you run it. The more often we repeat an actionrepparttar 114198 longerrepparttar 114199 root of this pattern becomes. For example, by repeating an action 36,000 times it’s likely to become a consistent part of your life routine. This isrepparttar 114200 number of times a ½ pack a day smoker reinforces their habit over a ten year period.

Gardening Techniques Think ofrepparttar 114201 subconscious mind as a greenhouse. Roses or poison ivy will both flourish in this fertile environment. Even thoughrepparttar 114202 conscious mind’s job is to keep track of what gets stored, it’s only human and makes mistakes. Hypnosis offersrepparttar 114203 unique opportunity to not only dorepparttar 114204 weeding, but to also plantrepparttar 114205 seeds of positive, healthy alternatives. The reason people have such difficulty attempting to make conscious level changes with long-term patterns is because they don’t reside inrepparttar 114206 conscious mind. Long-term patterns reside inrepparttar 114207 subconscious mind or long-term memory. It’s like weeding your garden by clipping them off atrepparttar 114208 ground level. It looks great for a while but they always grow back. When changes are made on a subconscious level, patterns can be yanked out byrepparttar 114209 root so they never grow back. Hypnosis 101

Have you ever driven torepparttar 114210 store and wondered how you got there because you remembered no details ofrepparttar 114211 drive? Or stared at your computer screen for what you thought was an hour only to be surprised that most ofrepparttar 114212 afternoon had disappeared? These are examples of naturally occurring hypnotic trance, which we all experience several times a day.

Surgical Hypnosis

Written by Paul Gustafson RN, BSN, CH

When people set asiderepparttar usual myths and misconceptions associated with hypnosis good things usually happen. Recently, hypnosis has been getting some positive national exposure increasingrepparttar 114192 publics general awareness of its health related benefits and its role as an increasingly popular frontline holistic healer. Hypnosis is non-invasive, soothing and oncerepparttar 114193 client understandsrepparttar 114194 process they may continue making healthy changes all on their own.

Hypnosis isrepparttar 114195 simple process of accessing subconscious thought. The subconscious mind has many important functions; it is where all our values, beliefs, habits and patterns reside. It also isrepparttar 114196 home of our body’s control center. It regulates our heart rate, breathing and coordinates every step we take.

Havingrepparttar 114197 key to such a powerful place enables us to initiate positive changes supporting how our body responds to situations like stress, fear, pain, depression or evenrepparttar 114198 trauma of surgery. Clients fortunate enough to be givenrepparttar 114199 option of receiving hypnosis prior to, and after surgical procedures, sing its praises. Also, scientific research supports these claims with reduced complications and medication needs; more timely recoveries and shorter hospital stays, which is good for everyone.

“An average savings of $1,200 per patient resulted from this simple 5-minute intervention.” (1)

Another study discovered thatrepparttar 114200 hypnosis group did better than 89% of those who did not receive hypnosis. “These data strongly supportrepparttar 114201 use of hypnosis with surgical patients.” (2)

Hypnosis isn’t magic, its nature. We all go in and out of hypnotic-like trance several times a day. We call it day dreaming or zoning out. Hypnosis isrepparttar 114202 process of enabling this dream-like state to occur and then offering helpful direction, which supportrepparttar 114203 client’s specific goals.

Surgical hypnosis involves relaxation, improved immune response and circulation that minimizes infection and promotes rapid healing. By increasing endorphin production pain is minimized requiring less medication andrepparttar 114204 unwanted side effects that usually result. And becauserepparttar 114205 imagination resides in subconscious thought, wonderful images showrepparttar 114206 client relaxed, comfortable and successful further reinforcing this positive plan.

This healthy direction creates a blueprint, which becomes reality. Surgical Hypnosis disconnects patterns of fear and worry. It putsrepparttar 114207 client inrepparttar 114208 drivers seat when need they need it most. In life we all followrepparttar 114209 path of our most dominant thoughts and with hypnosis you getrepparttar 114210 unique opportunity to createrepparttar 114211 thoughts and images, which serve you best. What your mind conceives your body achieves.

Inrepparttar 114212 mid 1840’s when John Elliotson and James Esdaile began using hypnosis inrepparttar 114213 surgical setting as an anesthetic with great success. Prior to their efforts mortality rate was 40%; with hypnosis it was 5%. In spite of their success hypnosis would soon take a backseat to either, nitrous oxide and chloroform byrepparttar 114214 late 1840’s. (3)

The 3 important keys to success with hypnosis are how open a client is to this type of relaxation, how motivated they are to make positive changes and how preparedrepparttar 114215 hypnotist is to offerrepparttar 114216 suggestions and imagery supportingrepparttar 114217 desired change. Hypnosis is a relationship of trust and co-operation. If a client believesrepparttar 114218 hypnotist is working in their best interest they are likely to be more open minded and accepting, ensuring positive results.

It is impossible to predictrepparttar 114219 outcome of any treatment option but when clients understandrepparttar 114220 technique, benefits and are involved withrepparttar 114221 process, results are consistently positive. Also, consideringrepparttar 114222 mountain of research supporting clinical hypnosis as an effective compliment to traditional medicine,repparttar 114223 time has come to openrepparttar 114224 door to this and other holistic options.

An advocate and practitioner of surgical hypnosis is Elvira Lang MD. Dr. Lang teaches at Harvard University and isrepparttar 114225 Director of Interventional Radiology at Beth Israel Deaconess in Boston, MA. Her study involved 241 patients receiving percutaneous vascular and renal procedures either received no special treatment, structured attention or self-hypnotic relaxation. “Structured attention and self-hypnotic relaxation proved beneficial during invasive medical procedures. Hypnosis had more profound effects on pain and anxiety reduction, and is superior, in that it also improves hemodynamic stability.” (4)

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