What is Herbal Medicine? Is it safe?

Written by Charlene J. Nuble

Herbal medicine isrepparttar use of plant and herb extracts for their therapeutic value. Most plants contain and produce chemical substances that aid in healing and other physical treatments.

Herbal medicine isrepparttar 138943 oldest form of healthcare and constitutes a key role inrepparttar 138944 development of modern medicine as we know it today. Back when technology was still unheard of, primitive men utilisedrepparttar 138945 vast flora around them torepparttar 138946 fullest extent, observing both plant and animal life and their components, eventually giving birth to herbal medicine. In a study byrepparttar 138947 World Health Organization on herbal medicine use, about 80% ofrepparttar 138948 world's populace still rely on herbal medicine to cure certain ailments and about 74% ofrepparttar 138949 drugs we use today contain at least one botanical element. For instance, Chinese Herbal Medicine's use of ephedrine to cure respiratory conditions still exists inrepparttar 138950 present time. Ephedrine remains an active ingredient in most ofrepparttar 138951 commercial drugs that are being prescribed to relieve asthma symptoms.

Herbal medicine is defined by three schools of thought: Ayurvedic Herbalism, Traditional Chinese Herbalism and Western Herbal Medicine. While both Ayurvedic and Chinese herbal medicine have moved on to advanced forms, western herbal medicine remains a part of folk treatments. Herbal medicine is, first and foremost, holistic. It aims to address not just a particular symptom, but also to helprepparttar 138952 whole body rejuventate strengthen itself. And while there is no scientific evidence that all herbal medicines claiming to have healing powers are actually effective,repparttar 138953 numberrepparttar 138954 herbal medicines that have been placed under clinical testing have proved their worth. The list of known kinds includes echinacea, which is used to temper colds, St John's wort, used to treat mild depression (without using Prozac), and hawthorne berries, which help inrepparttar 138955 recovery process from mild heart failures.

Do You Have Diabetes? Symptoms of diabetes and how to address them

Written by Charlene J. Nuble

Diabetes mellitus is a condition resulting fromrepparttar pancreas’ inability to produce enough insulin, which is needed byrepparttar 138942 body to help create energy. A deficiency of or ineffectiveness of insulin leads to high glucose levels inrepparttar 138943 blood, thus, leading to this illness.

Diabetes has two types. Type 1 Diabetes usually occurs in young people and requires frequent insulin injections, while Type 2 Diabetes is experienced by older people and is not as dependent on insulin. Majority of those who have Type 2 Diabetes have been found to be either obese or overweight.

Diabetes usually runs inrepparttar 138944 family, so it’s best to know early on if you have it. The common symptoms experienced by someone who has diabetes include unusually frequent urination and hunger, constant thirst, rapid weight loss, tiredness, numbness inrepparttar 138945 feet and hands, recurrent skin infections, itching in private parts and blurred vision. When left unattended, diabetes could escalate to hyperglycemia, which develops from an excess of glucose inrepparttar 138946 blood, and leaverepparttar 138947 person temporarily unconscious, or, worse, cause severe infections, poor healing abilities, heart ailments and numbness from nerve damage.

The direct origins of diabetes, besides heredity, remain uncertain. However, several scientists believe that diabetes can also spring from an infection inrepparttar 138948 pancreas, a disorder inrepparttar 138949 autoimmune system and even from an unhealthy diet and lifestyle.

When you noticerepparttar 138950 signs that possibly point to diabetes, consult your doctor immediately. You will be subjected to tests to determine whether your blood sugar is stable and if there is a presence of diabetes. Your doctor will then recommend an appropriate exercise regimen and diet to temperrepparttar 138951 effects of diabetes, or, if needed, prescribe medication.

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