What is Google AdSense?

Written by Jakob Jelling

By Jakob Jelling http://www.sitetube.com

Inrepparttar mid 1990’s websites used to earn income by receiving money from advertisers by publishing or allowing companies to deploy a banner ad campaign on your website. Usually these banners would be brilliantly designed to catchrepparttar 102318 eye ofrepparttar 102319 consumer along with a short message. The website in turn would receive a tiny profit from a click-through, which was when a customer actually clicked onrepparttar 102320 banner and went intorepparttar 102321 website and purchasedrepparttar 102322 product. This was considered traffic-driven income. It wasrepparttar 102323 industry standard until Google came along.

Google has since revolutionizedrepparttar 102324 click-through market by using an innovative approach to advertising, Google AdSense. The beauty behind getting involved with Google now more than any other search engine is due to Google’s straightforward approach to a banner/content-free home page. You would sign up your website for affiliation with Google and upon approval your site would be given special code to placerepparttar 102325 targeted ads on your website. Basically saving Googlerepparttar 102326 space and inconvenience of having to deal with banner ads.

You still may be wondering what Google AdSense actually does. AdSense is a program in which you get paid for targeting your readers to another websites product or service. A click through is measured when someone actually clicks onrepparttar 102327 hyperlink. Many web sites now have Google AdSense ads employed. Google AdSense uses Google Adwords content and services in a display box that you place strategically on your website. Google Adword customers pay Google a determined amount of money which will be paid torepparttar 102328 website from Google. Sincerepparttar 102329 popularity of Google has risen to such prominence, AdSense affiliates can make a nice amount of money should they be able to deployrepparttar 102330 Google AdSense box properly on their website.

What is an affiliate program and how can it make me money?

Written by Lori Redfield

You may have heardrepparttar buzz terms, ‘affiliate programs’ or ‘associate programs’. Chances are your think of them in one of two ways, either – it’s got to be another one of those Internet ‘work at home’ scams. Or, “That’s just out of my league.”

Promoting affiliate programs is in fact an attractive and viable way to initiate multiple residual income streams. It’s not a get rich quick scheme. In fact, to be successful it takes a great deal of work and persistence. It also requires flexibility and an inquisitive nature that embraces trying new ways of marketing until you find something that works for your target audience.

What is an affiliate program? Thousands of established businesses set up affiliate programs in order to have people like you promote their products or services. When you sign up for an affiliate program you are given a link with your own unique id embedded into it.

With your own unique link it then becomes your job to promoterepparttar 102317 affiliate program and drive traffic torepparttar 102318 businesses website. You never handle sales or products, but each time an interested prospect visitsrepparttar 102319 website through your link and actually purchases something you earn a commission.

One ofrepparttar 102320 most effective ways to promote affiliate programs is to find a subject that you are passionate about. Something that (humility aside), you may even consider yourself an expert of. Take that subject and develop a website that is devoted to it.

Building a website does not have to be intimidating. There are a tremendous amount of resources available to you to help you build one. You could also haverepparttar 102321 template of a website designed for you, or you could purchase a website at a price that may surprise you.

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