What is Cash Flow?

Written by John Mussi

Ever wondered what is cash flow? Understandingrepparttar basic concepts of cash flow will help you plan forrepparttar 137223 unforeseen eventualities that nearly every business faces. Although poor management is normally given asrepparttar 137224 main cause for business failure, poor cash management is running a close second as a common stumbling block.

Cash is ready money inrepparttar 137225 bank or inrepparttar 137226 business. It is not inventory, it is not accounts receivable (what you are owed), and it is not property. These can potentially be converted to cash, but can't be used to pay suppliers, rent, or employees. Profit growth does not necessarily mean more cash on hand. Profit isrepparttar 137227 amount of money you expect to make over a given period of time. Cash is what you must have on hand to keep your business running.

Cash flow refers torepparttar 137228 movement of cash into and out of a business. Watchingrepparttar 137229 cash inflows and outflows is one ofrepparttar 137230 most pressing management tasks for any business. The outflow of cash includes those cheques you write each month to pay salaries, suppliers, and creditors. The inflow includesrepparttar 137231 cash you receive from customers, lenders, and investors.

There are two types of cash flow, positive and negative. Positive cash flow means, if its cash inflow exceedsrepparttar 137232 outflow, a company has a positive cash flow.

Conversely, negative cash flow means, if its cash outflow exceedsrepparttar 137233 inflow, a company has a negative cash flow. Reasons for negative cash flow include too much or obsolete inventory and poor collections on accounts receivable.

Financing a Business

Written by John Mussi

Financing a business can often be perilous if not approached with caution. Although bad management is commonly given asrepparttar reason businesses fail, inadequate or ill-timed financing comes a very close second. Whether you're starting a business or expanding one, sufficient ready capital is essential. But it is not enough to simply have sufficient financing; knowledge and planning are required to manage it well. These qualities ensure that you will avoid common mistakes like securingrepparttar 137222 wrong type of financing, miscalculatingrepparttar 137223 amount required, or underestimatingrepparttar 137224 cost of borrowing money.

Before inquiring about financing, ask yourselfrepparttar 137225 following:

Are you sure that you need more capital?

Can you better manage existing cash flow?

How do you define your need?

Do you need funding to expand?

Do you need funding as a cushion against risk?

How urgent is your need?

How great are your risks?

In what state of development isrepparttar 137226 business?

For what purposes willrepparttar 137227 capital be used?

What isrepparttar 137228 state of your industry?

Is your business seasonal?

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