What is CASHCulture ?

Written by Eugenijus

In this introduction, we're going to take a closer look at CASH Culture and how it works. We're also going to look at its products, includingrepparttar Instant-Profit affiliate program. And for those of you how are new, we're going to explain how it's possible to earn a residual income through CASHCulture.

First of all, CASH Culture is an MLM affiliate program. It has a line of products that are represented through its Gold membership. As an affiliate (member) of CASH Culture , you are able to sell gold memberships through your unique referral link to earn commissions.

What makes CASH Culture different from most other Work-From-Home opportunities isrepparttar 104356 very low start-up costs that enables almost ANYONE to start their own home business. This has already enabled tens of thousands of individuals to earn residual incomes throughrepparttar 104357 instant-profit affiliate program since CASH Culture became operational in October of 2002. Actually, CASHCulture has paid a total of more than $1 million to its members since day one!

Little Known Tax Deductions That Can Save You Big

Written by Diane Hughes

When you say "end ofrepparttar year", most small business owners think of two things immediately. The *second* isrepparttar 104355 holidays. The *first* is taxes! While almost all of us pay taxes quarterly, we still have to file in January. That means November and December are spent getting ready. When you're gathering all your information together for your accountant, don't forget about these regularly overlooked deductions.


Sure, most of us already know that we can deduct a mileage allowance from our taxes. However, many of us (especially dot coms who don't travel much) don't bother to keep track of our travels thinking it won't be worthrepparttar 104356 trouble. Oh, but it is!

I hadrepparttar 104357 same mind-set, but - atrepparttar 104358 urging of my accountant - decided to keep track and see for myself. I'll never neglect to do it again! Even though almost every place that I travel is nearby, when I added up allrepparttar 104359 10-mile trips torepparttar 104360 office supply store,repparttar 104361 bank, etc., it turned out to be a hefty total. Haven't kept track this year? Start now.

Go back and look for deposits in your check register. This would have meant you traveled torepparttar 104362 bank on that date... write it down. Do you have receipts fromrepparttar 104363 office supply store? You must have traveled on that day, too. Write that down. Keep all your information on a log sheet withrepparttar 104364 date, number of miles traveled round trip, andrepparttar 104365 purpose ofrepparttar 104366 drive (i.e., office supply store, bank deposit, etc.). You'll be pleased to find that even short, weekly trips all throughoutrepparttar 104367 year can add up to 800 - 1,000 miles or more. Multiply that timesrepparttar 104368 2002 allowance of 36.5 cents per mile and you get a $292 - $365 tax deduction!

Bad Debt

Did you sell products or services to someone who did not pay you? Have you tried to collectrepparttar 104369 money without success? You can write those losses off and get a deduction for them. No, it won't equalrepparttar 104370 total amount ofrepparttar 104371 money you lost, but it is better than nothing.

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