What is Article Marketing?

Written by Cody Frazier

Simply put article marketing is advertising your web site throughrepparttar use of articles. This choose of advertising is preferable over others forrepparttar 137592 simple fact that it's free. There are many article directories that allow you to submit your articles for free. They allow you to have a resource box atrepparttar 137593 end of your article that you can plug your site and products with. Not only that but if you are into building links this is a great way of doing it. If your article is chosen by publishers they will republish your article on there websites giving you even more publicity and exposure. A well written article can give you massive exposure. Can't write? There are services that will "ghost write" an article for you. Avoid purchasing article packs, these are pre written articles that you can purchase, slap your name on them and publishes them. The reason I say avoid such means is that you want your articles to be original, not something thousands of other people have put there names on previously. Besides, most article directories know these articles by heart and reject them on sight. So make sure your work is original.

Web Marketing: Design Mistakes That Drive Customers Away In Droves

Written by Lisa Packer

They may look cutting edge, but if you want a web site that contributes to your bottom line here are some design ideas you will want to avoid:

·Opening with Flash. If your site opens with a movie that your prospect is forced to sit through, no matter how short, before they can get to your “welcome” or “home” page, you are losing customers. She wants information, and that movie is standing in her way. She may not wait to see what is onrepparttar other side.

·A pretty “landing” page. If your prospect types in www.widgets.com (or clicks on it in her search engine result) and is greeted with “click here to enter”, she is just as likely to hit her “back” button instead.

·Reverse type. Reverse type is basically white letters on a black background (the ‘reverse’ of what is normal). It looks cool and hip. But it is a pain inrepparttar 137559 rear end to read. Add that torepparttar 137560 fact that people read a computer screen 25% slower than paper anyway, and you are just making it too difficult. Many people simply will not makerepparttar 137561 effort.

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