What gift will you give yourself this holiday season?

Written by Coach Pat Morgan

Along withrepparttar holidays come many extra activities such as parties, shopping, gift gifting, cooking and more. Stretching ourselves to meetrepparttar 103608 increased demands on our time, energy, emotions and finances can leave us feeling exhausted and overwhelmed rather than joyous and enthusiastic. There is nothing likerepparttar 103609 holidays to distract us from our good habits and healthy personal care routine; they almost always get inrepparttar 103610 way of our best intentions.

While you may loverepparttar 103611 holidays, you may easily and quickly find yourself over-extended with obligations, commitments and expectations for creating a magical holiday. How about being more more intentional about giving to yourself, as well as giving to others, in order to find a balance that allows you to be less stressed and truly enjoyrepparttar 103612 season? By regularly scheduling time for yourself, to unwind, to exercise, to rest and rejuvenate, you will feel much better and enjoyrepparttar 103613 holidays more. Have you taken a moment to think aboutrepparttar 103614 gift you will give yourself forrepparttar 103615 holiday season? Why not give yourselfrepparttar 103616 give of self-care?

Below are four tips to help you have a more enjoyable holiday season:

1. MANAGE YOUR EXPECTATIONS. Set realistic expectations. Give yourself permission to let go of trying to be superhuman in order to create a perfect holiday. Be patient with yourself and dorepparttar 103617 best you can, trusting thatrepparttar 103618 holiday will be perfect however it turns out. Ask yourself: Do I have reasonable expectations forrepparttar 103619 holidays?

2. SCHEDULE TIME FOR YOURSELF. Self-care is notrepparttar 103620 result of good intentions, but ratherrepparttar 103621 result of being intentional about setting aside time each day to care for yourself. Especially during this busy season it is important to schedule time, even if only 5-10 minutes, to refresh and rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit. Ask yourself: Have I scheduled time for myself today? What will I do to care for myself?

How To Come Up With New Product Ideas

Written by Jeff Schuman

How To Come Up With New Product Ideas © 2004 Jeff D. Schuman http://www.team-schuman.com

Have you ever wanted to add new products to your exsisting product line? Obviously one way to do that is to find a product that is already developed and start selling that. Affiliate programs are great for that.

Another thing you can do is develop your own new product. Below are 10 ways you can come up with new product ideas.

1. Solve an existing problem for people. There are thousands of problems inrepparttar world. Create a product that can provide a solution to one of those problems.

2. Find out what'srepparttar 103607 current hot trend. You can find out whatrepparttar 103608 new trends are by watching T.V, reading magazines and surfingrepparttar 103609 net. Just create a product that's related torepparttar 103610 current hot trend.

3. Improve a product that is already onrepparttar 103611 market. You see products at home, in ads, at stores etc. Just take a product that's already out there and improve it.

4. Create a new niche for a current product. You can set yourself apart from your competition by creating a niche. Your product could be faster, bigger, smaller, or quicker than you competitor's product.

5. Add on to an existing product. You could package your current product with other related products. For example, you could package a football with a team jersey and football cards.

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