What exactly is Acne?

Written by Ratliff J

What causes acne? Acne occurs whenrepparttar hair follicle pores become blocked. The oil called sebum builds up insiderepparttar 136716 pore and becomes infected with bacteria. Whenrepparttar 136717 infection remains underrepparttar 136718 skin surface, it develops into a whitehead. Whenrepparttar 136719 infection partly reachesrepparttar 136720 surface and changes color, it develops into a blackhead.

Shouldn't I just try to eliminate sebum from my body? No. When it isn't blocked in your pores, sebum helps keep your skin healthy.

Why does acne usually start at puberty? No one knows for certain. What is known is thatrepparttar 136721 sebaceous glands that produce sebum get much larger at puberty than they were before.

Why doesrepparttar 136722 skin around a pimple turn red? This redness is caused byrepparttar 136723 body's inflammatory response. Inflammation is a sign that your immune system is working to fight an infection. However,repparttar 136724 inflammatory response doesn't always work perfectly, and can even berepparttar 136725 cause of scarring.

Birth Defects and Miscarriages and Infertility

Written by Dr GW Graham

Messing around with a mother’s DNA orrepparttar DNA of her baby is one ofrepparttar 136715 things that can lead to a miscarriage and birth defects. DNA tellsrepparttar 136716 baby ANDrepparttar 136717 mother “when to do what”. Need a leg? Then you need some specific event at some specific time. Ifrepparttar 136718 part ofrepparttar 136719 DNA that controls legs is either damaged or altered by some environmental chemical,repparttar 136720 leg won’t be there. And you can’t add it later. It can only develop at one very specific time.

Fusarenon – This is a toxin that will interfere with DNA. It is produced by several molds including: * Aspergillus sp * Fusarium sp * Penicillium sp http://www.mold-survivor.com/hidden_mold.htm http://www.mold-help.org/fusarium.htm

Some mold toxins interfere withrepparttar 136721 hormones that regulate repparttar 136722 various steps of pregnancy. Hormones tellrepparttar 136723 baby when to add what body parts. They tell mom when to pass on timely materials torepparttar 136724 placenta, for example.

Ask any OB/GYN how many different stages mom and baby have to go through and he/she will tell you that they don’t know. From conception to delivery probably a billion things have to happen on schedule for a good birthing process. Interfere with just one step and you runrepparttar 136725 risk of miscarriage or birth defect.


One example of a chemical stoppingrepparttar 136726 development of a leg or arm isrepparttar 136727 famous thalidomide problem. Inrepparttar 136728 1950’s Thalidomide (Thalomid) was a heavily prescribed anti-anxiety medication. Pregnancy contributes a lot of anxiety to women so it only made sense to prescribe Thalomid. The effects were horrible. Legs and arms were missing or underdeveloped. I saw a man on TV who playedrepparttar 136729 guitar forrepparttar 136730 Pope. But he playedrepparttar 136731 guitar with his toes because he had no hands or even arms.

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