What do you need to do to be successful?

Written by graham and julie

What do you need to do to be successful? If you are searchingrepparttar net you may feel that you need to sign up forrepparttar 122955 latest affiliate marketing programme. Or perhaps you need to be a member ofrepparttar 122956 latest MLM scheme. Onrepparttar 122957 other hand it may be that you need to followrepparttar 122958 directions ofrepparttar 122959 latest web marketing guru. Each of theses routes give yourepparttar 122960 opportunity of being successful but without courage, zeal and enthusiasm you will joinrepparttar 122961 ranks ofrepparttar 122962 80% plus who fail. You needrepparttar 122963 courage to identify your dream. Your passion. You needrepparttar 122964 courage to stick withrepparttar 122965 process while you concretise your focus and then to stayrepparttar 122966 course when others are telling you that it is a stupid idea and will never work. To start your own business is difficult enough. It becomes virtually impossible when you select something that only looks good or looks interesting and you don’t have passion for. To be successful you must identify your true calling in life. Your passion. Can you imagine whatrepparttar 122967 result would be if you allowed your passion to be your focus in life? So. What is it that turns you on? What motivates you? What do you constantly talk to yourself and others about? What excites you? Once you have identified your focus, your calling, you now need zeal and enthusiasm to carry it through. To be successful. Zeal and enthusiasm is more than determination. It’s about commitment, fun, enjoyment. Something you want to do because you believe in it. A natural way to reach your aim and objective in life. A belief that means you are willing to live with your dream 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

You need to see liferepparttar 122968 way a sportsperson does. Can you commit to working day in day out withrepparttar 122969 sole purpose of working towards your dream? Can you keep going when nothing appears to be happening? Can you hold ontorepparttar 122970 slightest increase in your ability as a sign of success? Are you dedicated to continually improving your personal best? Can you believe in yourself and your passion enough to rethinkrepparttar 122971 formula whenrepparttar 122972 business reaches crisis point? Can you step back and honestly analyse your actions when you have just lost a potential sale orrepparttar 122973 time you spent on a marketing campaign was wasted? Can you be a totally focussed individual?

Thanksgiving in Hard Times

Written by Maureen Killoran

We are moving toward our Nation’s “Thanksgiving Day.” We are Americans by birth and by adoption . . . by citizenship and by gift of place . . . And, atrepparttar same time, we arerepparttar 122954 people ofrepparttar 122955 earth, people whose lives are blessed with love and hope as well as those whose days are shadowed by darkness and despair.

We are young and old, skin of black and brown and yellow and red and no color worth mentioning. Our languages are English and Spanish and Arabic . . . Russian and Urdu and Swahili and Farsi and Sign . . .

We are women and men . . . boys and girls . . . hearing and deaf . . . sighted and blind . . . We are gay and straight and transsexual and those for whom sexual identity is a faint memory . . . We are lovers of pets and children and ourselves, and we are humans whose store of love is hard to find. We are celebrators and grievers, runners and hikers and complex weavers of life. We are artists and poets and writers and dancers, and we are those whose creativity is blocked or exhausted . . . And, with people north and south, west and east, we are all saying “thank you” We are recalling reasons to be grateful because to do otherwise would surrender to life’s pain. We are gardeners and teachers and library keepers . . . We are parents and children, brothers and sisters, cousins and aunts and uncles too . . . We are widows and newlyweds . . . lovers and alone . . .

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