What do you do now?

Written by Steve Waterhouse

How to help your sales team recover fromrepparttar World Trade Center disaster. by Stephen Waterhouse

The question plaguing CEO's and sales managers aroundrepparttar 139404 country today is, "How do I get my team back to work?" Afterrepparttar 139405 tragedy that has gripped us forrepparttar 139406 last week, what isrepparttar 139407 best way to help our people and companies return to normal, productive life?

For help, I turned to my friend and colleague, Dr. Robert Routolo, whose thirty years of experience helping fortune 500 companies through difficult times makes himrepparttar 139408 perfect resource. Bob suggests that we organize a three step process for helping our people makerepparttar 139409 transition back to normalcy. His three steps, recognition, reflection and refocusing form a structure that will help us help our people, our companies and our nation.

Recognition Bob said, "Every person has been impacted by this tragedy on some level, and as CEO's and managers we must recognize that." We can't ignore what has happened and just go on. We must berepparttar 139410 ones to bring it up, even if it is uncomfortable to do so. Dr. Routolo recommends that you start a meeting by recognizing that each of your people has been affected in some way byrepparttar 139411 events ofrepparttar 139412 last week and that you understand that this has been a difficult time.

Reflection Oncerepparttar 139413 topic is onrepparttar 139414 table, make time for reflection and sharing. Allow a few minutes of silence for each one to think aboutrepparttar 139415 events andrepparttar 139416 losses in their own way. Grief is a personal process andrepparttar 139417 silence respects their individuality. Next, allow time for sharing. Some will tell of those they lost. Others may express their reaction torepparttar 139418 events. For many, telling their story is an important part of moving on. For others, just hearing that coworkers share their feelings will help them know that they are not alone.

Selling From Your Heart...a Sales Approach for Franchise Professionals

Written by Flo Schell, EdM, Certified Sales Coach, Founder Franchise Coaching Systems

WE know thatrepparttar profession of franchise sales is an honorable one...and that many franchise sales professionals are great at what they do...but let's face it...for many peoplerepparttar 139071 word "selling" is a mighty nasty word...andrepparttar 139072 idea of dealing with a "salesperson" is akin to having a root canal!

Even you and I have experienced obnoxious salespeople who have turned us off...made us cringe...and even stopped us from pursuing a purchase that we really wanted.

So how can we expect our prospects to trust us if we ourselves have had a poor experience or two?

Well, if you're anything likerepparttar 139073 franchise sales professionals that I know...you're always up for a challenge!

And what could be more challenging thanrepparttar 139074 current climate that we find ourselves in? This isrepparttar 139075 era ofrepparttar 139076 uninvited dinnertime Tele-Marketer andrepparttar 139077 "Do Not Call" Registry...an era characterized by educated prospects who want to "invite" sales professionals into their lives...not be bombarded by them!

And what does that create for us...the franchise sales professionals ofrepparttar 139078 world? It creates a wonderful opportunity to prove that franchise salespeople are professional, and relationship-oriented and different fromrepparttar 139079 rest! And when we handle our jobs in this way, it creates an opportunity for us to meet and surpass our quarterly sales goals atrepparttar 139080 same time.

Are you in?

I thought so!

So, here we go...


What makes you unique and what makes you tick? Why would prospects want to partner with you? Is it your knowledge? Or, is it your style? Is itrepparttar 139081 years of experience that you have in your business? Perhaps it's your openness and your ability to keep conversations going for a long, long time.

Similarly, what is it about your franchised product or service that is unique? What can you tell someone about your concept that will make them curious and want to know more? What is it that your company offers that no other company can match?


Who are your "Ideal Prospects"? Have you profiled those individuals? What qualities do they have? What skillsets? What traits? Create an "Ideal Prospects" checklist. List all ofrepparttar 139082 qualities that you are looking for and keep it in full sight. Be open torepparttar 139083 idea that you can ADD or SUBTRACT from this list as your business profile changes. Imagine what it would be like to be in a business partnership with these types of people.


This is like a treasure hunt. Sure, your prospects are coming to you primarily viarepparttar 139084 internet...but where else can you find them? What newspapers and magazines do they read? What radio stations do they listen to? What TV shows do they watch? What types of advertisements can you create for those media? Where might you meet your prospects in person? Do they hang out in Starbucks or atrepparttar 139085 local gym? Go ahead...seek them out!


How can you portray yourself and your concept to your ideal prospects? What can you send them that will make them curious about your business? Should you include a picture of your flagship store or a photo of your smiling face? Can you pose a question in your copy that will make them say...Hmmm? Should your business card be strictly professional or warm and casual? If you were them, what would make YOU reach out?

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