What are Your Thoughts on Marketing Re$earch?

Written by Wild Bill Montgomery

I have always been a firm believer that there is never one correct answer to a question. Some call that argumentative, I call it Independent and Creative Thought. I have also come torepparttar conclusion overrepparttar 121764 years that by feeding answers to a student, they will ultimately starve. Onrepparttar 121765 other hand by posing a question, you teach them to think and in turn feed their own thought and energies.

You will never getrepparttar 121766 right answers however, if you don't knowrepparttar 121767 right questions. So with this in mind, I from time to time write an article, which is consists of mostly questions! Questions covering a single subject, which I hope will provoke you into independent thought, thus creating productive output. Our topic is what? Marketing Research!

Marketing Research is a very important step inrepparttar 121768 evolution of your business. Without research, you have no basis on which to answer evenrepparttar 121769 most basic questions; questions that you must answer if you truly desire to successfully market your product or service.

1. Your Market.

A. Do you know whom your target market is?

B. Who are your current customers and do they fall into your target market?

C. Are your current customers loyal to your product? Why or Why not?

D. If not, how can your create a loyalty strategy?

E. What isrepparttar 121770 current size and geographic spread of your target market?

F. What will it be inrepparttar 121771 future?

G. Will you be able to maintain a product and company growth rate to match that ofrepparttar 121772 projected growth rate of your target market?

H. Is your product part of a trend market that has a volatile base, which can collapse or increase rapidly?

I. Are you prepared for this? How?

J. Do you have backend products or services?

Winning the Game: Your Strategic Marketing Plan

Written by Merle

If you want your small business to compete withrepparttar "big boys" you should have a "strategic marketing plan." A strategic marketing plan basically spells out how you will use your available resources to meet your company's stated goals and objectives. (You do have goals right? If not that's a topic for another article.) Here's what you need:

1) State your Objectives:

Companies usually set objectives in terms of desired profit, total sales, or market share. Profit tends to berepparttar 121763 most popular company focus. Market share refers to how much ofrepparttar 121764 market you snag compared to your competitors. Other objectives can be your total sales, number of loyal customers, or customer satisfaction. Company objectives always provide a time frame and are verifiable which is why objectives are usually stated in percentages and dollar signs.

2) Situation Analysis:

Looks atrepparttar 121765 current business environment and can be elaborate or very simple. The components examined are competition,repparttar 121766 size ofrepparttar 121767 market, types of customers, channels of distribution, and economic conditions. By taking an overview ofrepparttar 121768 whole picture and stating your strengths and weaknesses, you'll have a clearer understanding of how well your company will compete.

3) Target Market:

Who are your customers? Your company can't sell to everyone, so you need to decide what part ofrepparttar 121769 market segment you're going to serve. A thorough understanding of who your customers are and how to find them are imperative to your company's success. Look at demographics such as how much money they make, where they live, how much education they have, etc.

4) Positioning:

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