What are Joint Ventures (JVs)?

Written by Codrut Turcanu

Copyright © Codrut Turcanu http://www.BizMarketingSecrets.com

I know you probably heard about them ... Joint Ventures or JVs for short. A JV is when you agree to form a partnership with one or more people. All parts must benefit in a way or another.

JVs are a win-win situation. If you want more TRAFFIC and know someone who already have it, all you have to do is contact that person, talk with him and form a JV partnership.

You GETrepparttar TRAFFIC and he gets what you have to offer him (e.g. money, a product, a service, etc.)

You can form JVs onrepparttar 120565 Internet (online JVs) or inrepparttar 120566 real world (offline JVs), there's not that much difference between them.

I prefer online JVs because you can contact more partners atrepparttar 120567 same time using your e-mail address.

If you want to do it by phone, don't hesitate, contact your possible JV partner by phone. You'll have a higher chance to closerepparttar 120568 deal this way, e-mail is less personal ...

No one inrepparttar 120569 business 'game' ever succeeded by himself; most business owners have started withrepparttar 120570 HELP of others by doing Joint Venture partnerships.

If you want to create a stronger marketing force, then you have to START doing JVs.

You must treat your JV partners seriously and with respect.

Why? Because they can bring you what you want or need very FAST.

Just think about it ... you want more Money, more Web Site Traffic, more Leads, more exposure & publicity?

If done correctly, a JV can GET you all or any ofrepparttar 120571 above!

Some people haverepparttar 120572 skills you don't, so why not team up with them and form a profitable JV deal?

Let's say you developed a software product and you already had success selling it on eBay or other auction Web Site.

Are You a Dreamer?

Written by LInda Offenheiser

Somewhere alongrepparttar line a negative connotation has been attached torepparttar 120564 word “dreamer”. It’s used to describe someone ho is unrealistic, who lives in a fantasy world instead ofrepparttar 120565 real world, one who sits and reflects on what he wishes things were instead of makingrepparttar 120566 most of what his life really is.

What is a Dream?

A dream is what reality would be if your life was designed according to your own plan. Is there anything really wrong with dreaming? I think not!

Dreams keep your spirit alive, give you something to strive for, keep you moving forward. Without a dream your life becomes stagnant, without purpose and unfulfilling. Is there a place for dreaming in Internet marketing?

Your Business is Built on Dreams!

What are your reasons for starting an online business? There are as many different reasons as there are marketers, but one thing we all have is a vision of improving our lives and enjoying some ofrepparttar 120567 things we’ve always DREAMED about.

Maybe you wantrepparttar 120568 independence of working from home. Maybe you want extra income to pay your bills or to provide for extras. Maybe you have an idea that excites you and has to be expressed. Or maybe you want to become another “Dot Com Millionaire”!

Whatever your reason may be,repparttar 120569 bottom line is that you dream of doing something and you’ve chosen Internet marketing asrepparttar 120570 vehicle to help you achieve that dream. So what comes next?

Goals are Dreams Put into Action . . .

The only way dreams are bad is if you do nothing to turn them into reality. It does no good to sit and dream of being rich and famous if you don’t have an action plan for BECOMING rich and famous.

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