What a Ghostwriter Can Do for You

Written by Bill Willard

What a Ghostwriter Can Do for You. Trust and credibility are vital in creating consumer confidence. Promotional books and articles with your byline arerepparttar best kind of confidence-building free publicity, producing results rivaling those of standard advertising. If you’re a business owner whose marketing plans include publication or a Web presence, an experienced professional ghostwriter can help you focus on your subject, organize your ideas, and then write persuasively to your target audience.

Do you ever have red-hot ideas for articles, books or a website, but never get around to doing anything about them? Don’t feel likerepparttar 138446 Lone Ranger. Even if they could grind out passable copy themselves businesspeople should be doing what they do best…mindingrepparttar 138447 store, not staring at blank sheets of paper!

If that’s you, but you still believe in usingrepparttar 138448 media or your own website to build your business, consider hiring a professional ghostwriter.

Or, if you've already written a book, article or webpage and think it’s ready forrepparttar 138449 publisher or webmaster, think again! A professional copywriter’s objective critique--complete with line edits and grammar, style and consistency checks--can spellrepparttar 138450 difference between acceptance and rejection.

What Does it Cost?

Ghostwriters’ fees vary. Many charge byrepparttar 138451 hour, some byrepparttar 138452 word; still others are paid byrepparttar 138453 job. Rates may be negotiable, and dividingrepparttar 138454 charges into multiple payments is usually an option. Most ghostwriters ask clients to sign a contract, make a down payment (typically 50%) and charge a kill fee ifrepparttar 138455 job is cancelled. Clients requesting in-depth consultations may be asked for a retainer. Though not refundable, retainers usually are applied to any project charges.

Whateverrepparttar 138456 cost, it’s worth it if you get good results. People like doing business with trusted experts. Being published in local or national media--or your own industry’s press--isrepparttar 138457 best kind of free publicity, and automatically separates you fromrepparttar 138458 competition. As a marketing technique, promotional articles with your byline can produce results rivaling those of standard advertising. The exposure can persuade new customers to try your products and services, and reinforce your reputation with existing buyers. It can also generate traffic to your website and convince local journalists to call you when they need an expert news source or high-profile interview subject.

Creating Customers

Written by Kevin M. Stirtz

A pretty smart guy reminded me recently ofrepparttar reason we're in business. He said it's to "create customers."

I thought about that and decided I had to agree.

Our businesses exist for a reason. I use to thinkrepparttar 138373 reason was to make widgets (insert your product or service here). But our customer needs to come first because a warehouse full of widgets does not a business make. However, add a line of several hundred people at that warehouse with money in hand eager to buy those widgets, now you have a business!

So, to really make your business work, put your customer first. Create them by first discovering who they are and then by giving them what they want.

I'm no more skilled at this than anyone but since I run a small business I have foundrepparttar 138374 best way to do this is to simply ask questions. Have conversations with your customers (past, present and future). Ask them why they do business with you or your competition. Find out what they really want from companies like yours. Learn what causes them pain and pleasure. Be truly interested in them.

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