What You Lead With, You Are Valued For

Written by Stanley J. Leffew


We see this phenomenon all around us. Cleavage, short skirts, body piercing, sensual tattoos and suggestive conversations clearly show that ours is a culture saturated with a mindset that life revolves around our sexual appetite.

Oh, forrepparttar innocence of days gone by before we lost our ability to blush.

Are we confusing desire and longing?

A Britney Spears music video at 2:00am may awaken desire, but it does nothing to satisfyrepparttar 101534 cry ofrepparttar 101535 human heart for intimacy, love, acceptance, compatibility, oneness and commitment.

Our site message is thatrepparttar 101536 human heart longs to be wanted for a lifetime of nights and not just a night of a lifetime. Are we selling this longing short?

Stop and think for a moment.

Have you noticed that marriage is universal? Have you noticed that marriage isn't a hard sale at all? We don't have to go to any country inrepparttar 101537 world and hold seminars explaining what it means to get married. Fromrepparttar 101538 most populated nation inrepparttar 101539 world, torepparttar 101540 most remote,repparttar 101541 human heart longs for and desires to connect.

Everything I Know About Relationship Success I Learned At The Playground

Written by Stanley J. Leffew

It happened again!

I was enjoying an evening with my little 2-yr. old son atrepparttar playground when, BAM, it happened. You ever have one of those moments in life when you know you are being taught an important lesson?

Picture in your mind a chaotic atmosphere of over fifty little children battling for their turn to play on a handful of playground rides and objects.

Recipe for disaster, huh? That's what I thought, too, until my observations quickly picked up something else.

Sure, they were running into one another, crying and trying to get ahead of each other forrepparttar 101533 rides. They were walking across other children who had fallen down in front of them and were pushing one another to get their turn. They were running to their parents for comfort after getting their feelings hurt.

As I stood there taking inrepparttar 101534 scenery before me, those little blessings of life showed me some important lessons about relationship success. If you will indulge me a moment, I will share with you what I found out.

Relationship Success Lesson #1 - The Principle of Fun:

Not much to say here! It's simple; these kids loved to have fun.

In adult relationships, life throws curves at us constantly. Responsibilities come at us from every angle. It takes conscious effort to remember to have fun together in life. I emphasizerepparttar 101535 word, "together". I'm not talking aboutrepparttar 101536 type of fun whererepparttar 101537 husband plays golf andrepparttar 101538 wife shops.

The "heavy" takes it toll on relationships, and we do well when we give our relationship a time-out fromrepparttar 101539 heavy and lighten up. Couples who play together, stay together.

Relationship Success Lesson #2 - The Principle of Fascination:

As I stood there watching, it was interesting to see howrepparttar 101540 younger children reacted torepparttar 101541 older kids. It didn't take much observance to see that they were taken by and fascinated with them.

Fascination! While it is not a word often associated with relationship success, if you want thriving relationships, you may just want to give it some precedence.

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