What You Can't Ask a Job Candidate is as Important as What You Can Ask

Written by Stephen Spain mepatwork.com

What You Can't Ask a Job Candidate is as Important as What You Can Ask By Stephen Spain mepatwork.com

As a human resources professional or business owner, you face many challenges duringrepparttar hiring process, from sorting through stacks of job applicant résumés to making an attractive offer torepparttar 119416 one person you believe best matchesrepparttar 119417 specifications of your open position's job description. The whole procedure is more than time-consuming; it can be stressful as well. None ofrepparttar 119418 demands of finding and hiringrepparttar 119419 best candidate are more complex than those ofrepparttar 119420 interviewing process. Besides spending a significant portion of your time listening to what your final candidates have to say, you must - without violating any ofrepparttar 119421 employment discrimination laws in place - evaluate each applicant's ability to successfully performrepparttar 119422 job. You have a responsibility to your company and to all prospective employees to avoid any semblance of discrimination or impropriety in your hiring processes. You must keep your interview questions related to specific job activities; in fact, it's probably a bad idea to ask any question that doesn't deal directly with a specific job's requirements. If you feel any question on your list might lead to an applicant's perception of discrimination, eliminate that question fromrepparttar 119423 discussion. You can't possibly readrepparttar 119424 minds of job seekers now or inrepparttar 119425 future, especially whenrepparttar 119426 ones who ultimately weren't offeredrepparttar 119427 job might try to convince themselves thatrepparttar 119428 reason they weren't hired was "discrimination" - rather than their level of skills. The result could be an unfounded and unnecessary legal action that would, atrepparttar 119429 very least, distract you from your current job functions in meeting important and strategic company goals. Userepparttar 119430 following points as general guidelines to develop your list of appropriate interview questions for all job candidates. If you have questions about what's permitted by law (especially regarding special circumstances in your state), consult with your company's legal department or another reliable source. And above all, remember this: If you believe any question or part of your discussion with a potential employee could be perceived as discriminatory, avoid it. Name You may discuss: use of another name and additional information (relative to a change of name or use of an assumed name) necessary to enable a check of education or work record. You may not discuss: maiden name. For example, do not ask: What is your maiden name? What is your mother's maiden name? Age You may discuss: before hiring, whetherrepparttar 119431 applicant is overrepparttar 119432 minimum age forrepparttar 119433 job's hours or working conditions; after hiring, verifying same with a birth certificate or other ID, as well as asking age on insurance forms. You may not discuss: age; birth date; or questions that might identifyrepparttar 119434 applicant's age, especially if he or she is over age 40. For example, do not ask: How old are you? What year were you born? When did you graduate from high school? Citizenship/National Origin You may discuss: ability to speak, read or write English or a foreign language if required byrepparttar 119435 job; offers of employment contingent upon verification of identity, residence and work authorization inrepparttar 119436 United States. You may not discuss: birthplace, nationality, lineage, ancestry, national origin and parentage of applicant or applicant's parents or spouse. For example, do not ask: Where were you born? Where are your parents from? What's your heritage? What is your mother's tongue? What language do you normally use? How did you learn to read, write or speak a foreign language? Race/Color You may discuss: equal opportunity employment at your company; race only as required for affirmative-action programs. You may not discuss: race or color; complexion or color of skin, eyes or hair; any direct or indirect reference to race, color or racial groups. For example, do not ask: What race are you? Are you a member of a minority group? Gender/Marital Status/Children/Childcare You may discuss: company policy regarding work assignment of employees who are related; anticipated absences from job; freedom to travel, if job requires; and ability to meet work schedule requirements. You may not discuss: applicant's gender, marital and family status; number or ages of children or dependents; provisions for childcare; pregnancy; birth control; or name or address of relative, spouse or children of adult applicant. After hiring only, you can ask about marital status/dependent information for tax and insurance forms. For example, do not ask: With whom do you reside? Do you live alone? How many children do you have? Are you married? Do you plan on having children? Are you pregnant?

Book Summary : Primal Leadership

Written by Regine Azurin

This article is based onrepparttar following book: Primal Leadership “Leading To Lead With Emotional Intelligence” By Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, Annie Mckee Published by Harvard Business School Press 2004 ISBN 1591391849 306 pages

Primal leadership takes center stage in this book. This concept goes beyondrepparttar 119415 set of conventional competencies onrepparttar 119416 making of a leader. Beyond bottom line figures, this book takes a leap forward withrepparttar 119417 concept of primal leadership through a keen and in-depth understanding of emotional intelligence and its link to leading and building emotionally intelligent organizations.

The authors explorerepparttar 119418 idea of leadership as an emotional function. They propose thatrepparttar 119419 fundamental task of a leader is to create resonance at work, thereby unleashing positive traits and attributes in people. Emotionally intelligent leaders bring organizational success torepparttar 119420 fore because they inspire, motivate and foster commitment in people.

Harnessrepparttar 119421 power of primal leadership in this book and bring outrepparttar 119422 emotionally intelligent leader in you.

Primal Dimension of Leadership The use of emotion in leadership functions is a primal task that sets leaders apart. Great leaders move people by channeling emotions inrepparttar 119423 right direction, whether it is in formulating corporate strategy inrepparttar 119424 boardroom or a series of action items inrepparttar 119425 shop floor.

Resonance Effect The positive channeling of emotions that empowers people to be top performers is called resonance. The culture of resonance brings outrepparttar 119426 best in people. Onrepparttar 119427 other hand, when leaders negatively drive emotions dissonance is created. Dissonance is not conducive to harmonious working relationships as it can undermine people’s potentials.

Key to Primal Leadership Emotional intelligence isrepparttar 119428 foundation of making primal leadership work. An emotionally intelligent leader knows how to handle himself and his relationship withrepparttar 119429 people he works with in order to drive up performance.

Good Moods, Good Work A good mood is essential for a team to function effectively. It is crucial for a leader to foster positive working relationships because emotional conflicts in a group can hamper a team’s performance.

A study of CEOs from Fortune 500 companies revealed that positive overall mood of top management people leads to better cooperation and better business performance. This argument takesrepparttar 119430 view that it is top management that createsrepparttar 119431 conditions for workers to work well.

Resonant Leader For emotionally intelligent leaders, resonance comes naturally in their dealings with people. Their actions reinforce synchrony within their team and withinrepparttar 119432 organization. The strength of an emotionally resonant leader lies inrepparttar 119433 emotional bond he forms which allows people to collaborate with each other even inrepparttar 119434 face of change and uncertainty.

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