What Would You DO for a Klondike Bar - OR "National Security?"

Written by LadyCamelot

What would you do for a Klondike Bar? If you've ever seenrepparttar antics of these cleverly and comedically devised commercials, you would be aware of what people would be willing to do forrepparttar 132532 tasty, delicious treat.....BUT, what would you do for sake of National Security? Nearly stripped fromrepparttar 132533 pages of a sci-fi novel, comes an all, too incredible story of real, life-altering technology. Modifyingrepparttar 132534 course of civilization as we know it, "Applied Digital Solutions," creator of "Verichip," is purportedly and actively developing applications for this controversial product for National defense organization -- Department of Homeland Security. According to company press releases,repparttar 132535 Verichip (dubbedrepparttar 132536 "Human Barcode") is an implantable device aboutrepparttar 132537 size of a grain of rice. Composed of a microchip within a glass and silicone cylinder, Verichip may ultimately becomerepparttar 132538 Human social security number ofrepparttar 132539 future. Not just a form of simple identification, Verichip can ultimately contain retrievable information regarding detailed medical and financial history. And future capabilities are indicative of having GPS - encoded technology (Global Positioning Surveillance), and photographic memory record details. Currently, Verichip is a trial-by-use, or "voluntary" injection only. However,repparttar 132540 US Government, working in conjunction withrepparttar 132541 makers of these chips, are "encouraging" usage of them -- of course for "your own security," and "medical purposes." The first family to have Verichip installed (yes, I didn't stutter -- "installed") was a family in Boca Raton, Florida. Both parents, injected with a Verichip, watched as their 14-year old son was injected withrepparttar 132542 chip as well. Another perspective ofrepparttar 132543 Verichip, is that it raises questions of whether or not parents should haverepparttar 132544 right to have their children injected with these little, digital devices. Although parents may fingerprint and now, even take DNA swabs of chidrens' saliva in case of abduction purposes -- at what point does "protection" become noninvasive; or inrepparttar 132545 case of Verichip installation, intrusive? Advocates for this new and disturbing technology will counterattack claims of privacy invasion, and “Big Brother” supervision by stating how beneficial it is to National Security and "your own safety," but who is actually benefiting from this minute contraption? In lieu of September 11, a Nation stood at arms inrepparttar 132546 wake of unfolding tragedy. Sporadically, our so-called Homeland Security elevates National security levels to different degrees -- just so we become more aware of unseen "terror threats. " And of course Veterinarians andrepparttar 132547 Humane Society or SPCA actively promoterepparttar 132548 use of these tiny mechanisms, so we can "track our animals," should they ever become lost or stolen. Correctional systems acrossrepparttar 132549 country have interests inrepparttar 132550 Verichip, as it would simplifyrepparttar 132551 monitoring system and do away withrepparttar 132552 use of ankle bracelets. Then there'srepparttar 132553 medical "benefit." Who would want to be without a chip that tells emergency workers your medical history if you're ever involved in an accident where you are unconscious or aren't breathing? In this case, I don't honestly believe that EMTs are going to be pulling out a scanning rod to check for a Verichip. More than likely, they'll be working steadfastly on reviving you and pulling you from death's clutches. So, on a medical standpoint,repparttar 132554 Verichip serves no purpose in emergency treatment as it so proclaims. Additionally, supporters will make assertions on how crucial this apparatus would be in responding to military crash victims. Rescue and recovery will berepparttar 132555 next targeted proclamation -- as it will save lives. In retrospect, this would be true -- however, military or governmental rescue and recovery operations are never as they seem. If you can recallrepparttar 132556 Space Shuttle Challenger's tragic demise inrepparttar 132557 mid 1980s, NASA's prime focus was indeed rescue and recovery. It's main goal was to retrieve Challenger's vital onboard "package" that cost US taxpayers millions, (if not billions) of dollars. This immediate "rescue and recovery" mission never entailed rescue and recovery ofrepparttar 132558 ill-fated crew. Yes -- Unfolding before our eyes, isrepparttar 132559 prioritization of Verichip's "real" intentions.

The Evolution Of Hate

Written by TrysDan Roberts

The Evolution Of Hate

Why is it easier to Hate than love?

Ofrepparttar millions upon millions of species onrepparttar 132529 planet, hate isrepparttar 132530 only emotion associated with humans. Hate has been around since humans first made their evolutionary appearance.

Hate is an emotion that has been passed down from generation to generation. Hate is learned. We are not genetically programmed to hate. We have a choice.

Evolution Of Hate:

Self Aware-->Intellect-->Reasoning-->Selfishness-->Irrational Fear-->Hate

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