What Would It REALLY Cost Me For A Web Site?

Written by Joann Javons

Many people ask me this question allrepparttar time, "What would it REALLY cost me for a web site?" I wonderedrepparttar 105223 same thing before I became a web owner. But it was hard to get a clear answer. Now I know why. Prices run all overrepparttar 105224 place.

Plus, you need to have a clear idea of ALLrepparttar 105225 costs that are part of getting a web site, not just cost for a web designer. You'll find guidelines and price ranges in this article for allrepparttar 105226 services that you, as a new web owner, will need.

These guidelines for costs are based onrepparttar 105227 assumption that you're a small business owner or a sole proprietor on a budget.

Here's a run-down ofrepparttar 105228 cost for basics you'll need:

1. How much will it cost to register your domain name?

You'll need to register a domain name at any ofrepparttar 105229 many domain services onrepparttar 105230 web. Prices range from $12.95/yr - $35/yr forrepparttar 105231 same service. See http://www.secure domains.com and http://www.000domains.com for $12.95/yr. Another low-cost registrar is godaddy.com.

2. How much will it cost to design your site?

Prices range all overrepparttar 105232 place: for a 4-page site, I've been quoted from $400 to $5000 forrepparttar 105233 same features!

Web designers either charge by 1)repparttar 105234 hour or 2)repparttar 105235 page. Some charge byrepparttar 105236 project. Make sure you understandrepparttar 105237 designer's pricing structure.

Reasonable per page charges are $85-150 per page for a good designer. Project quotes vary depending onrepparttar 105238 complexity ofrepparttar 105239 design and layout.

Assuming a 5-page site, consider a $450-600 price range for a site with basic design elements. For special forms and other features,repparttar 105240 price will increase.

The key is to get a good web designer because you can payrepparttar 105241 same amount of money for someone who is mediocre. Just becauserepparttar 105242 person is an expert in html doesn’t mean they really know what they’re doing.

They may know html, but that’s only part of what a good designer knows.

You have two other options to consider if you don't want to hire a designer to start from scratch:

One option is to get a ready-made web site template. Choosing a ready-made template for your web site has some advantages:

1) Prices tend to be less when you choose among ready-made templates.

2) Ready made templates allow you to get your web site online quickly, often in as little as 24 hours.

For an excellent discount on professional web site templates, see Private Practice Marketing http://www.private-practice-marketing.com emplates.html. Ordering a ready-made template means that you are choosing a web site design from among a selection of pre-made designs.

At Private Practice Marketing, http://www.private-practice-marketing.com emplates.html, you getrepparttar 105243 license to your design when you purchaserepparttar 105244 template which means that no one else will haverepparttar 105245 same web site design that you do. Not all sites give yourepparttar 105246 license when you purchaserepparttar 105247 template so make sure you ask.

Another option is to getrepparttar 105248 only really good tool that does it all for you. No html needed. Beware of any fake imitations. Sitebuildit! really does allrepparttar 105249 research, includingrepparttar 105250 right key words for your site plus other tedious steps that take excessive time when you do them manually. See it here: http://www.private-practice-marketing.com/marketing.htm.

The other design cost is frequent updates to your site to keep it fresh and interesting to your visitors.

When people visit your site again in a month or so, they expect a business to offer new content, similar torepparttar 105251 way a store changes its display windows and rotates merchandise.

If you don't keep your site fresh, what does that say about how serious and legitimate you are as a web business owner?

The Guru Trap

Written by Pornpong Prachumtong

The Guru Trap by Pornpong Prachumtong

Inrepparttar cyber space out there, you might have heard aboutrepparttar 105222 internet guru,repparttar 105223 one who make a million dollars from internet and so. Do you really think you need to be there –repparttar 105224 internet marketing expert who knows everything onrepparttar 105225 internet – before you can make a fortune online?

That is so not true! Inrepparttar 105226 other way around, trying to become a guru will lead you to failure. Someone said “the internet guru isrepparttar 105227 one who can tell people how to make money but cannot make it for himself.

I knew a lot of people who spent 2 or 3 months trying to write their own ebooks or online courses, finally end up with a few thousand visitors because they just did not know to marketing their products.

Have you ever notice that 2/3 of successful network marketers or home business entrepreneurs had a relatively low or standard education background – can you name any internet millionaire who graduated from college, studied e-commerce or marketing? Not easy to find one, right?

The first thing you should avoid is perfectionism, nobody can make something perfect. I, myself, wasrepparttar 105228 one who fall in this trap, got stuck for 2 months trying to collect free ebooks and reports as much as possible to make sure that I will not miss anything I need to learn.

After 2 months, I had realized that it’s impossible (at least for me) to learn everything just for start my own online business. I was exhausted and distracted. I started thinking I could not make it. Fortunately, I stopped wasting my time and begun to implement my project immediately - I did not care what else to learn.

You should study and implement your project atrepparttar 105229 same time. Don’t waste your time to study everything, just scan for what you are interested in and then start working on it – you will know what you need to learn onrepparttar 105230 way.

The second trap is complexity, almost everyone believe thatrepparttar 105231 more complicate,repparttar 105232 more sophisticated concept will giverepparttar 105233 better output, really? Don’t fall for that, you don’t need to do thing complicated.

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