What Women Should Know About Men, Before Trying to Change Them

Written by Peggy Butler

WARNING: The following commentary is one woman’s introspection, and is NOT meant to vilifyrepparttar male species. However, ifrepparttar 101498 jock strap fits, wear it proudly guys.

After 15 months of pure bliss, you and your significant other are still glowing inrepparttar 101499 aftermath of romance. Incredibly, you note with satisfaction, that you haverepparttar 101500 perfect relationship; complete with great sex, stimulating conversation and tons of fun.

Quietly assessingrepparttar 101501 situation, you think to yourself, “Although things are great, there are things about my partner that I would like to change.” Then it hits you like a ton of bricks, “If anyone can break my mate of those awful habits like eating like a pig and telling jokes that would borerepparttar 101502 dead, it’s me.” Psst, ladies before you spend one more minute thinking of interesting ways to change your significant other, let me remind you of a quote byrepparttar 101503 legendary astronomer Galielo who said: “You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to find it within himself. “ Translated, that means IT IS NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE TO CHANGE A MAN, NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY.

For centuries women have come up with a barrage of formulas to change their lovers or husbands, all to no avail. The secret to understanding men lies inrepparttar 101504 concept that they are guided by 12 principles. And they are:

1.He is convinced that he knows everything. And that reminds me, a mule’s head is bigger than a man’s, and they certainly don’t have a monopoly on intelligence. So, chalk one up forrepparttar 101505 female species.

2.He must prove his manhood at all times. Morning, noon, night, and in-between. Whew! No wonder they’re so confused.

3.He will always think that he is smarter than you are. If you love him, let him think that. We knowrepparttar 101506 real truth, don’t we ladies?

4.He is convinced that women arerepparttar 101507 weaker sex andrepparttar 101508 biggest gossips. Have you ever watched a male gossip columnist in action? Picture Ru Paul on steroids. Shall I say more? And speaking ofrepparttar 101509 “weaker sex,” have you noticed Serena Williams’ biceps? Tennis anyone?

The Top 10 Reasons to Give Us All a Break and Quit Using Your Cell Phone in the Car

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach

Yes, USING it. Readrepparttar data about justrepparttar 101497 conversation part. Readrepparttar 101498 data aboutrepparttar 101499 hands-free part. Go here http://www.nysgtsc.state.ny.us/phon-ndx.htm for tips for safe cellular phone use inrepparttar 101500 car (if there is such a thing).

1.Interrogatory No. 2: Was a cell phone in use in your vehicle atrepparttar 101501 time ofrepparttar 101502 accident? If so, staterepparttar 101503 name ofrepparttar 101504 cell phone provider,repparttar 101505 cell phone number, and who was usingrepparttar 101506 cell phone.

Request for Production No. 2: Produce your cellular phone records coveringrepparttar 101507 month during whichrepparttar 101508 accident maderepparttar 101509 basis of this lawsuit occurred.

It’s showing up in Discovery in personal injury lawsuits, which means we,repparttar 101510 people, know there’s a link whether or not those research scientists can statistically “prove” cause and effect.

And now you know your cell records can and may be subpoened if you’re involved in a driving accident. Your server can be found by entering your cell phone number into a reverse phone directory - http://www.reversephonedirectory.com/ - and is readily accessible.

2.In Texas, in 2001, there were 1,032 accidents with 8 fatalities where cell phone usage was coded a contributing factor.

This was an increase of 44.1% overrepparttar 101511 preceding year, and that was 3 years ago!

3.In a research study, individuals engaged in cell phone conversations missed twice as many simulated traffic signals as when they weren’t talking onrepparttar 101512 cell phone. (Source: University of Utah)

4.People using cell phones took longer to react to those signals that they did detect. (Source: Ibid)

5. These deficits were equivalent for BOTh hand-held and hands-free cell phone users. (Course: Ibid)

6.Intense or complex conversation on cells leads torepparttar 101513 greatest increases in overlooking significant highway traffic conditions and response time. (Source: National Public Services Research Institute for AAA)

7.The distracting effect of cellular phone use among drivers over age 50 is 2-3 times as great and encompasses all tasks – placing calls, simple conversations, and complex conversations. They increase response time by 33-38%. (Source: Ibid)

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