What Were You Expecting?

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach

Think back for a moment onrepparttar major and minor disappointments in your life. The reason they’re disappointments is because they didn’t live up to your expectations. You had something in mind that didn’t happen, or you wanted something you didn’t get. You also had made up your mind – if you think about it – that it was going to be horrible if you didn’t get it.

You wantedrepparttar 123210 job and you didn’t get it, so you were disappointed. If you hadn’t wantedrepparttar 123211 job, you would’ve been overjoyed not to get it!

Also if you think back on disappointments in your life, I’m sure you’ll find that in at least some instances, things turned out forrepparttar 123212 best. You didn’t getrepparttar 123213 job you were aspiring for, but you got a better one inrepparttar 123214 end. Orrepparttar 123215 man you were dating broke up with you and you were sad, but then your found a better partner. Or you really didn’t want to leave Amherst, Massachusetts and move to Lillian, Alabama, but once you got there you found it was its own version of paradise.

All of this is saying that we can’t always be sure atrepparttar 123216 time whether things are forrepparttar 123217 best or not, and its our expectation that we must have it this way or we’ll be devastated is what’s making us miserable.

When you do this, you are setting up and either/or situation. You have arranged your expectations, andrepparttar 123218 future of your happiness on a proposition such as this: If I get this, I’ll be happy. If I don’t, I’ll be devastated.

Asrepparttar 123219 great poet John Milton wrote, “The mind is its own place, and in itself, Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.”

Now a more emotionally intelligent way to handle these things is not to lower your expectations, but to broaden them. By using emotional intelligence competencies such as resilience, creativity and flexibility, you can manage your emotions more effectively.

A simple example of this would be planning a vacation. Most of us put effort, time and money into planning our vacations, all of which are precious to us, and so we may find ourselves expecting it to be perfect. If you do this, you are automatically setting yourself up for disappointment.

However, if you keep your expectations realistic and in line, you cushion yourself againstrepparttar 123220 extremes. It’s quite possible to have an enjoyable vacation that meets your needs (rest, rejuvenation, fun, adventure or whatever you’re after) and not have every detail fall exactly into place.

One ofrepparttar 123221 most important things to do is to remain positive. Expectrepparttar 123222 best, and avoid going into a downward spiral, or taking it out on yourself, if it isn’t.

If, on this vacation, you aren’t able to takerepparttar 123223 excursion you wanted to, you will feel better if

1.You don’t blame yourself. Yes, you could’ve bookedrepparttar 123224 excursion earlier, butrepparttar 123225 tour people could also have allowed for more guests to participate, yes?

Creative Thoughts

Written by Judi Singleton

All thoughts are energy that attract like a magnetrepparttar content ofrepparttar 123209 thoughts. If one believes in abundance and they think abundance then they always have abundance in their lives. If one thinks poverty then they also experience after their beliefs. Whole societies may holdrepparttar 123210 same thought then that society experiencesrepparttar 123211 manifestation of that thought. Life is like a mirror it reflects back to us our thoughts. We arerepparttar 123212 creators of our world. We must take responsibility for our thoughts for no one thinks inside your head but you. Many of these thoughts that are being created inrepparttar 123213 physical world are unconscious thoughts and beliefs that may have been handed down to you from parents, teachers, books, or your own fears. First we have to recogise that we are constantly creating our reality. No two realities are just alike. When we take responsibility for manifesting our lives just as they are today we are beginning to understandrepparttar 123214 power we have. There is now a quickening of this planet. The things that several years ago might have taken months or years to manifest, may manifest now in a few weeks.

If you believe that you cannot have money until you work very hard and save for years then it is so for you. If you believe that you inherited a disease so it is for you. If you believe you cannot be happy until you are married then so it is for you.

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