What To Pay When You Can't Pay Everything

Written by Terry Rigg

With ever increasing consumer debt more of us are finding ourselves robbing Peter to pay Paul each month.

We go through our bills and find thatrepparttar money just won't stretch far enough to cover all ofrepparttar 144037 bills and expenses. It's hard to decide who you should pay when you have one bill that is stamped with "Final Notice" and you are behind on several of your other bills.

If you don't payrepparttar 144038 credit cards you know that you are going to start getting those harassing phone calls. If you don't payrepparttar 144039 house payment you are looking at foreclosure. If you don't payrepparttar 144040 utilities they will shut them off. How do you decide?

When you get to this point it's time to get down to basic survival and work from there.

I have actually talked to people that stated their credit cards were up to date but their mortgage was two months behind. This is one ofrepparttar 144041 biggest mistakes we can make when we don't haverepparttar 144042 money to pay everything.

Another mistake I see on a regular basis is that some people pay their bills atrepparttar 144043 expense of their food budget.

If you haverepparttar 144044 money to pay some of your bills you have to start with groceries first and necessary health items. You can try to save as much as possible on your food but that money has to be set aside before anything else.

The next bill you must pay is your mortgage or rent. While credit cards companies will drag out their collection process, mortgage companies and landlords will startrepparttar 144045 process of

foreclosure or eviction within just a couple of months.

Your next priority is your utilities. In many cases utility companies will turn off your utilities ifrepparttar 144046 bill isn't paid within a few days of receivingrepparttar 144047 bill.

A Roadmap To Your True Financial Independence - Part 1 - Generating A Passive Income For Yourself

Written by Michael DeVries

Are you searching for a way to true financial independence for yourself and your family?

Aren't we all? ;)

Are you tired of being "trapped" inrepparttar "rat race", working day in and day out to earn a paycheck that just covers your immediate and short-term expenses?

Do you feel like you just aren't making any positive progress in this way towards your true financial independence?

Do you, therefore, believe that there *must* be a better way? And are you ready to take advantage of this better way when you see it?

In these articles, I will share with you what we believe is this "better way" and provide you with a roadmap that you may customize to your situation and needs and use for yourself to achieve your true financial independence as soon as possible! :)

In a "nut shell", here is what we believe to berepparttar 144036 simple roadmap, listed in order of importance, to your financial independence:

1) Build and grow a truly passive income stream!

2) Generate additional revenue with commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) products (and/or others' services)

3) Userepparttar 144037 money you earn from working, e.g. your "day job" and/or business(es), to further fuel your investments in and acceleraterepparttar 144038 returns on these investment from #1 and #2 above.

In this article, I will address Step #1, which isrepparttar 144039 one that we feel isrepparttar 144040 critical success factor andrepparttar 144041 most important "piece inrepparttar 144042 puzzle" to achieving and sustaining your true financial independence as soon as possible! :)

We believe thatrepparttar 144043 "key" to true financial independence is to have a steady, and preferably growing, source of truly "passive income".

So ... What is a "passive income"?

A truly passive income is any source of income wherein you continue to make money without having to expend any further time or effort to maintainrepparttar 144044 source or level of this income.

You may probably already see that when you have a truly passive income that generates sufficient funds to cover your necessary monthly expenses then you are truly financially independent, since this means that you no longer have to perform any further work to earnrepparttar 144045 money you need to live on, right?! :)

So ... How do you get to a passive income that covers your expenses?

Well, like Robert T. Kiyosaki, author ofrepparttar 144046 "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" books, T. Harv Ecker, author of "The Millionaire Mind", and so many other "guru's" will tell you,repparttar 144047 key to a truly passive income is making Your Money Work hard for You! Rather than you working hard for your money! Right?

So ... How do you get your money working hard for you?

Well, firstly, you have to have some money that you can put to work for yourself, right?

And unless you are lucky enough to winrepparttar 144048 lottery or happen to inherit (or find ;)) a large sum of money, thenrepparttar 144049 chances are that you will have to start with what you can afford out of what you currently have saved and/or from your earnings and grow it from there, right?

Then, there are many, many ways in which you may earn a passive income, from stocks and bonds, CD's, mutual funds, money market accounts, real estate, commodities, investing in businesses, etc. etc., right?

And each of these has their Pro's and their Con's relative to all ofrepparttar 144050 rest.

Which of these is best for you and your particular needs and situation is somewhat beyondrepparttar 144051 scope of this article, and may be addressed in more detail in a future article, but hereinrepparttar 144052 *point* we wish to have you take away with you is ...

Pick whichever passive income generation methods are best for you, start growing your passive income stream(s) and start getting your money working for you Today! Right?

Please seerepparttar 144053 resource box below for more information regardingrepparttar 144054 passive income generation method(s) which we prefer, use for ourselves, and therefore recommend.

And although I know that I just stated that we were not going to go into a detailed analysis and comparison of each of these passive income generation techniques, which we are not, here are a few ofrepparttar 144055 factors that you may wish to consider and questions you may wish to answer for yourself in your selection of which of these arerepparttar 144056 best passive income generation methods for you, ok?

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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