What To Pay When You Can't Pay Everything

Written by Terry J. Rigg

What To Pay When You Can't Pay Everything By Terry Rigg

With ever increasing consumer debt more of us are finding ourselves robbing Peter to pay Paul each month.

We go through our bills and find thatrepparttar money just won't stretch far enough to cover all ofrepparttar 110858 bills and expenses. It's hard to decide who you should pay when you have one bill that is stamped with "Final Notice" and you are behind on several of your other bills.

If you don't payrepparttar 110859 credit cards you know that you are going to start getting those harassing phone calls. If you don't payrepparttar 110860 house payment you are looking at foreclosure. If you don't payrepparttar 110861 utilities they will shut them off. How do you decide?

When you get to this point it's time to get down to basic survival and work from there.

I have actually talked to people that stated their credit cards were up to date but their mortgage was two months behind. This is one ofrepparttar 110862 biggest mistakes we can make when we don't haverepparttar 110863 money to pay everything.

Another mistake I see on a regular basis is that some people pay their bills atrepparttar 110864 expense of their food budget.

If you haverepparttar 110865 money to pay some of your bills you have to start with groceries first and necessary health items. You can try to save as much as possible on your food but that money has to be set aside before anything else.

The next bill you must pay is your mortgage or rent. While credit cards companies will drag out their collection process, mortgage companies and landlords will startrepparttar 110866 process of foreclosure or eviction within just a couple of months.

Your next priority is your utilities. In many cases utility companies will turn off your utilities ifrepparttar 110867 bill isn't paid within a few days of receivingrepparttar 110868 bill.

Preschool Fun - Pots & Pans and Numbers

Written by Tami Crea



Matching numbers is a great way for your pre-schooler to learn their names. As you rollrepparttar dice and countrepparttar 110857 spots on each ofrepparttar 110858 six sides he will soon be counting from 1 to 6 with ease. Then as he matchesrepparttar 110859 number of spots withrepparttar 110860 written numerals taped torepparttar 110861 pots and pans he will begin to recognizerepparttar 110862 numerals quickly each timerepparttar 110863 die is rolled. When he has mastered all six numbers you can add six more as he rolls both ofrepparttar 110864 dice and adds them together by countingrepparttar 110865 spots on both of them and then findsrepparttar 110866 right numeral written on one ofrepparttar 110867 12 pots. Of course it will take lots of practise to throwrepparttar 110868 beanbag intorepparttar 110869 right pot every time he rollsrepparttar 110870 dice. But as you playrepparttar 110871 game over and over his recognition of numbers will become easier and easier as will his skill in gettingrepparttar 110872 beanbag intorepparttar 110873 correct pot. An added benefit to playing this game isrepparttar 110874 fact that your child will actually be adding numbers together as he countsrepparttar 110875 spots on both dice.

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