What To Consider Before Having Liposuction

Written by Kelly Altodona

Liposuction is one ofrepparttar most popular quick fixes for weight loss inrepparttar 137708 country. Rather than spendrepparttar 137709 effort it takes to change your lifestyle and adopt healthy exercise and dieting practices you can simply hire a plastic surgeon to vacuum stubborn fat deposits away. The first thing you should consider before havingrepparttar 137710 operation is whether or not you can maintain your new body so that you don't have to repeatrepparttar 137711 ordeal again!

Liposuction can be performed on any area ofrepparttar 137712 body that needs to lose weight includingrepparttar 137713 upper arms, thighs, buttocks and belly. Liposuction can even be performed onrepparttar 137714 calves to give a female a more fetching looking legs.

There are also few factors to consider before giving your plastic surgeonrepparttar 137715 go ahead forrepparttar 137716 procedure. First of all don't have any illusions that liposuction will get rid of dimpled or rippled looking skin. If you had this type of orange peel look to your skin beforerepparttar 137717 procedure, chances are that you will still have it after as well.

Also keep in mind that if too much fat is lost your skin could sag in an unattractive way. You might have to have some ofrepparttar 137718 flesh snipped away and sewn up again if you want your skin to appear taut and firm.

Don't count on your liposuction procedure be an outpatient surgery. Depending on how much fat you are having sucked out your operation may require a hospital stay and general anesthesia. You may also require what is called "tumescent anesthesia" which involves injecting and suctioning a combination of plasma and anesthesia to minimizerepparttar 137719 amount of bruising and pain.

To lessenrepparttar 137720 discomfort and length ofrepparttar 137721 entire ordeal you might want to ask your plastic surgeon if he or she performs Ultrasonic assisted liposuction. This is a two- step procedure that utilizes energy from sound waves to liquefyrepparttar 137722 fat deposits before they are sucked out ofrepparttar 137723 body. Firstrepparttar 137724 doctor inserts a heated probe beneathrepparttar 137725 skin that causesrepparttar 137726 fat cells to burst and release their contents. The resulting buttery substance is then removed fromrepparttar 137727 body. One drawback of this procedure is that it can burnrepparttar 137728 skin and possibly cause more pain if your body tissue has resisted in any way torepparttar 137729 procedure.

What To Consider Before Having A Nose Job

Written by Kelly Altodona

So you've decided to have a nose job otherwise known as a rhinoplasty. Before you decide to go forward there are a few things you need to know about this common cosmetic surgery procedure.

First of all, most nose jobs are considered to be elective surgery, which means that it is not absolutely necessary. This means that you need to be financially prepared forrepparttar cost ofrepparttar 137707 procedure as well as forrepparttar 137708 three days to two weeks that you might need to recover fromrepparttar 137709 operation. In some countries such as Canada or Costa Rica a government insurance program might coverrepparttar 137710 cost ofrepparttar 137711 operation ifrepparttar 137712 surgery is deemed to be necessary medically.

There are very few situations under which a rhinoplasty is considered to be medically necessarily in order to improve an individual's quality of life. If you have a serious accident that involves a direct blow torepparttar 137713 face that causesrepparttar 137714 shattering of nasal bones orrepparttar 137715 tearing of nasal cartilage than your nose job will likely be considered to be an emergency. This is also true ifrepparttar 137716 injury affects your ability to breathe in anyway.

Other conditions that qualify as medical justifications to have a nose job are a deviated septum, a birth defect or a nasal obstruction. However surgeries to correct these conditions are also considered elective. This means that unless you are willing to pay a pretty penny for private treatment you might be waiting for months to have your surgery done in a hospital. If a doctor can also demonstrate that an individual is suffering a serious and prolonged mental or emotional illness (such as depression o a cognitive disorder) asrepparttar 137717 result of an overly large or asymmetrical nose then your case might be seen to more urgently.

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