What To Consider Before Having A Face Lift

Written by Kelly Altodona

Are you ready to have a face lift? Nowadays, people as young as thirty years old are havingrepparttar procedure done although it is most commonly performed on females who are older than thirty-eight. The face lift, also known as a rhytiodoplasty, is particularly popular among both men and women inrepparttar 137710 fields of art, entertainment and performance.

First of all you need to consider that a face lift will not necessarily correct sagging tissues aroundrepparttar 137711 eyes. If this is a problem then you need to ask for an eye lift as well. Sometimes an eyelift is also referred to as a mid- face lift.

Before you chooserepparttar 137712 procedure that is right for you make sure that you know all of your options by familiarizing yourself with all ofrepparttar 137713 different types of face lifts that are available. These includerepparttar 137714 standard face lift,repparttar 137715 neck lift,repparttar 137716 S lift (which also pullsrepparttar 137717 ears up and back),repparttar 137718 SOOF (which repositions under eye fat),repparttar 137719 deep plane lift (which removes grooves from nose to mouth),repparttar 137720 temporal lift (which raisesrepparttar 137721 eyebrows) andrepparttar 137722 mid-face lift (also known asrepparttar 137723 eye lift. Depending on your needs, your surgery may include a combination ofrepparttar 137724 above procedure to achieve effective, youthful looking results.

All face lifts are performed under general anesthesia which is not recommended for elderly people as its side effects include forgetfulness. Anesthetic is also thought to be a potential trigger for long-term memory loss.

Your plastic surgeon will also probably give you a list of medications that you will not be allowed to take for two weeks before surgery. These include medications such as aspirin, antidepressants or serotonin supplements. This is because these drugs can cause excessive breathing.

What To Consider Before Having Hair Transplants

Written by Kelly Altodona

Before considering having a hair transplant you might want to realize that there are a lot of drawbacks to hair replacement procedures. These include scarring, a disfigurement called cobbling andrepparttar reluctance ofrepparttar 137709 new hair to take torepparttar 137710 scalp. Although there are almost 200,000 physicians performing hair-restoration procedures inrepparttar 137711 United States, only a handful have success rates with their clients. Perhapsrepparttar 137712 most common thing to watch out for isrepparttar 137713 doctor who uses plugs to refurbishrepparttar 137714 hair on scalp. This is considered to be an outdate procedure that leavesrepparttar 137715 client with a scalp that sproutsrepparttar 137716 same kind of hair that you see on a plastic doll's head.

The most common form of hair loss replacement involvesrepparttar 137717 grafting of hairs fromrepparttar 137718 back and sides ofrepparttar 137719 head. These hairs are then individually transplanted to bald spots onrepparttar 137720 cranium. A mild anesthetic is used to preventrepparttar 137721 patient from experiencing pain duringrepparttar 137722 surgery. If there is post-surgical pain it is commonly treated with an average adult dose of Tylenol.

You might also want to realize that hair transplant surgery is not a magic solution to baldness. The results really do depend onrepparttar 137723 individual. Oncerepparttar 137724 transplants "take" you can still expect to look bald for many months untilrepparttar 137725 hair gains some length. You can expect transplanted hairs to grow atrepparttar 137726 normal human rate of about ¼ " to ½" a month. If not all ofrepparttar 137727 growth "takes" inrepparttar 137728 first session then you can end up with a patchy appearance onrepparttar 137729 balding spots that some may consider being even more unattractive thanrepparttar 137730 original bald spot. Also keep in mind that every time you have to redo a transplant that it can takerepparttar 137731 hair twice as long to grow back. This means that transplants that are replaced may grow as little a 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch a month.

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