What Success Really Is

Written by Jean Klett

Success has to be defined by each person individually. When asking yourself what you will have to achieve to enjoy success, you should really be asking what would make you happy. Not rich, but happy. Success entails more than just financial freedom. Success is a combination of living comfortably and being truly happy with your professional and personal lives. In order to be successful, you must have a passion for what you do and earn a living inrepparttar process.

You can achieve your personal goals and lead a fulfilling personal life if you learn to plan for success but atrepparttar 122723 same time prepare for setbacks. Preparedness and organization are personality traits that are shared by all successful people. When searching for what success is, remember that success is defined individually and when looking forrepparttar 122724 perfect formula for a successful life, remember thatrepparttar 122725 best investment is you.

A passion for your work will go a long way in teaching you what success is. If you are unhappy with your professional life,repparttar 122726 other areas in your life will suffer as well. Examine your strengths and weaknesses and direct your career inrepparttar 122727 direction that will allow you to berepparttar 122728 most productive. Every job or career has undesirable elements, but by minimizingrepparttar 122729 time you spend on tedious, repetitive tasks, you will be able to spend more time onrepparttar 122730 aspects of your job that you enjoy.

Improving your time management skills and organizing your daily routine will allow you to focus onrepparttar 122731 things you have a passion for instead of being frustrated because you spend a great deal of your day performing tasks that are unpleasant. By effectively utilizing your time, you can increase your productivity and lessen your level of stress. The best investment is you when you are looking forrepparttar 122732 right ways to improve your career and your personal life.

Goal setting makes a difference

Written by Michael Harrison

***** Drifting? Set your goals, make your plan and make a difference! *****

Why not really make a difference?

What isrepparttar difference between those that achieve and those who are not gettingrepparttar 122722 success they hoped they'd get?


It is clear that Goal Setting is extremely important for achievement! If you don't know where you want to get to how will you findrepparttar 122723 way?

Successful people don't think it, they do it! Action isrepparttar 122724 key. Are you one ofrepparttar 122725 10% who Plans, and doesrepparttar 122726 right stuff consistentlyrepparttar 122727 right way, daily, weekly, monthly and succeeds?

We all have choices to make. We only have ourselves to blame if we do not succeed and conversely, you have only yourself to be proud of when you do succeed! It is YOUR Choice!

But brutal honesty is vital.

Have you ever heard ofrepparttar 122728 wonderful ‘them'?

All through my life I have heard people relating situations and referring to ‘they'. ‘They said'. ‘They did or didn't'. The mythical ‘they' are always blamed for some event. Usually an event thatrepparttar 122729 person talking was in a position to influence - but didn't!

I have sometimes asked, "who are they"? - only to be met with a blank stare and bewilderment. These people don't want to face reality they want someone else to be responsible so they talk aboutrepparttar 122730 mythical they/them!

It is essential when you are setting your goals and running your business to be honest with yourself.

By accepting you are responsible in all situations facing you and your business you will improve your performance and ‘make a difference'. Do you know how electricity works? specifically and exactly? Possibly not BUT does that stop you flickingrepparttar 122731 switch when you want some light? Of course not.

We don't know specifically exactly how goal setting works, but there is massive evidence to show that those who write down their goals, with a plan to achieve them, tend to be more successful than those who don't.

Yale University did a study that ran for 20 years on one of their graduating classes? The graduating students were asked if they had created clear, well defined, written goals with an obtainable date.

Only 3% ofrepparttar 122732 class had done this. 20 years later they evaluatedrepparttar 122733 class. What they found was staggering and should keep you up all night writing out your goals! They found thatrepparttar 122734 3% were happier, had more balanced and well adjusted lives, had better marriages, and inrepparttar 122735 area that could be specifically measured, i.e. income,repparttar 122736 3% with goals had accumulated more wealth thanrepparttar 122737 rest ofrepparttar 122738 class combined!!!

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