What Makes a Site Lucrative?

Written by Maricon Williams

People ask too many things about websites. They ask aboutrepparttar key points to remember in order for their website to conquerrepparttar 105957 Web as well as to boost their sales. They ask aboutrepparttar 105958 right colors to use, layout, content andrepparttar 105959 likes. So many queries but it all sums up to one thing – a profitable website.

To boot, in order for your website to be lucrative, it must exude total equilibrium with all its elements. What do I mean with total equilibrium? Well, it’s simple. It involves six crucial rudiments – organization, focus, design, navigation, technology and marketing. Short of one rudiment means your website is incomplete and lacking. One by one lets us discuss their essence.

Organization A design must be detail-oriented. Just like a piece of art, each detail must contribute torepparttar 105960 overall projection ofrepparttar 105961 whole. Nevertheless, it must only have what it needs and nothing more. It is with semblance torepparttar 105962 maxim in clothing that it is better to be underdressed than overdressed. This is because it can tend to leadrepparttar 105963 visitors astray. They may not be aware of where to go or where to look at. This isrepparttar 105964 reason why it is always safe to keep it simple and in order yet not tedious. Followrepparttar 105965 basic rules and your readership will surely soar.

Focus All sites have goals. In order to achieve that goal focus is necessary. Objectives must be met in a way thatrepparttar 105966 target audience can relate and look forward to working hand in hand with you.

Technology vs. Usability

Written by Sherry Holub

Technology vs. Usability

When JV Media Design was formed,repparttar year was 1995 andrepparttar 105956 Internet was a very different place than it is today.

The first websites we created used simple layouts, a modest amount of graphics, standard "web safe" colors, and no javascript. This was all done in an attempt to create websites that worked well withrepparttar 105957 browsers ofrepparttar 105958 time (namely, Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator).

Asrepparttar 105959 years went by, technology rapidly changed, and so didrepparttar 105960 web. Soon enough, javascript was standard procedure to create "roll over" effects on buttons, to scroll text, and lots more. Web pages got more graphically intense, and using audio and Flash was a brand new frontier.

Ten years have now passed and keeping up withrepparttar 105961 technology and trends is still a major priority for us. When it was once unheard of to include Flash in web pages, it is now become standard practice. But there is such a thing as "too much of a good thing".

We strive to create web pages that blend technologies together to createrepparttar 105962 best user experience. When it was once accepted to incorporate a Flash "splash" page on a site, it is now looked upon as an extraneous step that most visitors will click through. Attention spans have shortened to a mere matter of seconds onrepparttar 105963 web, and putting your uses through a Flashy presentation just to have a "wow" factor can be more detrimental than beneficial.

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