What Makes a Person Happy?

Written by Michele Webb

Research studies have shown that happier-than-average people have a lot ofrepparttar same traits and characteristics in common. Here a five top traits of happy people:

1.Social Butterfly. Happy people tend to go out of their way to be with other people and to spend time with family and friends. When they are sad or anxious, they will seek out others for solace and comfort.

2.Keeping Fit. Happy people keep their moods elevated, and more active, by keeping fit and healthy. You do not have to be a marathon runner or body-builder to receiverepparttar 114170 benefits from exercise.

3.Never in a Rut. New experiences will keep you from getting in a rut and becoming depressed, restless or unhappy. Try no things, explore new places, meet new people, sample new foods and try new activities. Never let yourself get into a rut.

4.Put on Those Rose-Colored Glasses. Depressed people tend to view themselves and their lives fairly accurately. The happier-than-average person tends to see themselves and their circumstances as better than they really are!

IHD - Serious SKin Care

Written by John Russel

Serious skin care vs. winter weather, cleansers, and stress. Serious skin care fightsrepparttar moisture stolen from skin. The latest intensive creams are like dryness police, working night and day to protect and replenish.

When it comes to moisturizers, they can be too rich or too thick. Serious skin care goes well beyond cold cream and petroleum jelly, today’s skin care products are remedies for dry skin and are packed with sophisticated ingredients. Now, natural skin care companies think they have fixedrepparttar 114169 final frontier,repparttar 114170 ten-ply cashmere of hydration: super rich, long-lasting, and ultra-healing.

Dry skin is a probablyrepparttar 114171 most common complaint. In a recent survey, 60% of a sample of women cited it as their top serious skin care concern, even ahead of wrinkles. Over 70% said their body was dry in winter and 40% said it was their face (vs. 34% and 15%, respectively, inrepparttar 114172 summer).

Sincerepparttar 114173 1970s, scientists have reported a global rise inrepparttar 114174 frequency of dry skin. Nobody knows why for sure. Part ofrepparttar 114175 answer is linked torepparttar 114176 increase in people’s exposure to chemicals, pollution, and acid rain. Our hydration expectations have shifted from flawlessly powdered, matte skin to more realistic dewy complexions.

Serious skin care experts also state dry skin is a topic that is commonly discussed. There is no standard definition forrepparttar 114177 condition. Even if you recognize it only by its symptoms: scaling, tightness, lines, irritation, and itchiness. The immediate cause is a disturbance inrepparttar 114178 skins outermost layer, which is made up of skin cells and lipids, fatty substances that help maintain moisture inrepparttar 114179 skin. Whenrepparttar 114180 balance of lipids get upset,repparttar 114181 skin loses water, and skin cells, normally shed unnoticed, accumulate as white flakes.

Serious skin care experts say many dry-skin sufferers inheritrepparttar 114182 condition, but stress can also be a trigger. In a recent study, researchers found when people reported high anxiety levels, their skin’s permeability barrier (which retains moisture and repels irritants) was slower to recover after tape was applied to their skin and ripped off. The sale of specialty skin care products exploded whenrepparttar 114183 study was understood.

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