What Is Natural Health?

Written by Kathy Browning

Quite simply, natural health means maintaining good health naturally throughrepparttar air we breathe,repparttar 115649 water we drink,repparttar 115650 foods and fluids we consume, and also through our daily physical movement and activities, rest and sleep, and interactions with other people. In summary, it is how we live in our bodies on a daily basis.

Natural healing involves moving from a state of non-health into health using only natural means. If we fast to cleanserepparttar 115651 body of mucous, seek massage therapy to ease aching muscles, or take herbal formulas to soothe an irritated throat, we are using a natural healing modality. Natural health modalities such as homeopathy, herbology, iridology, bioenergetic methods, and nutrition, are non-invasive methods of health practice, which are designed to stimulate and maintainrepparttar 115652 body's intrinsic self-healing processes. Let’s take a brief look at each of these modalities.

Homeopathy - Homeopathy, as founded by Samuel Hahnemann, is based onrepparttar 115653 concept of "like cures like" withrepparttar 115654 idea that remedies and symptoms sharing certain similar characteristics work together to aidrepparttar 115655 healing process.

Iridology - Iridology isrepparttar 115656 study ofrepparttar 115657 colored part ofrepparttar 115658 eye,repparttar 115659 iris. According to Iridology,repparttar 115660 iris contains fibers and pigmentations, which possibly indicate states of physical and psychological health. By determiningrepparttar 115661 placement of fibers and variations in pigmentation inrepparttar 115662 iris, physical strengths and weaknesses due to environmental reactions, past physical reactions, emotional patterns, and inherited physiological qualities can be used to maintain and improve general health.

Herbology - This is a health practice, which utilizesrepparttar 115663 therapeutic applications of herbs and other botanical substances, such as roots, leaves, bark or berries of plants. These substances can be made into various forms of tablets, capsules, teas, lozenges, or poultices, and are generally sold over-the-counter in health food stores and neighborhood pharmacies.

Holistic Nutrition - Holistic Nutrition isrepparttar 115664 science of using natural, whole foods and nutritional supplements to detoxify, rebuild, and balancerepparttar 115665 whole person, with an awareness of how these dietary choices are interrelated withrepparttar 115666 condition of our body, emotions, spirit andrepparttar 115667 environment.

Energy - Energy work is a general term, which includes several healing modalities, including Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch, and other similar methods. Commonly known as "laying on of hands" in some traditions, energy work may be used to assist inrepparttar 115668 balancing of physical, emotional, and spiritual energies. It may helprepparttar 115669 body as it balances or heals itself fromrepparttar 115670 challenges of our everyday lives, stress, and disease, and as it strives to maintain a healthy homeostasis. Our bodies are imbued with life energy, life force, chi, ki, or prana, connecting us to universal life force, or divine life energy. Energy work can also be used as a path to help us remain more connected to our inner selves, our spirits, and support us in our growing, healing, and transformative paths as we evolve physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome

Written by Kathy Browning

Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) has been described under various names sincerepparttar 1940s. Referred to as Environmental Illness inrepparttar 115648 late 40's, and Total Allergy Disease inrepparttar 115649 21st century, multiple chemical sensitivity is a syndrome in which multiple symptoms reportedly occur with low-level chemical exposure. Several theories have been offered to explainrepparttar 115650 cause of MCS, including allergy, toxic effects and neurobiologic sensitization. There is insufficient scientific evidence to confirm a relationship between any of these possible causes and symptoms.

MCS syndrome has led to great controversy among clinicians, researchers, patients, lawyers, legislators and regulatory agencies. The absence of scientific agreement on MCS has contributed torepparttar 115651 development of emotionally charged, extreme and entrenched positions.

Patients with multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome can have severe symptoms that interfere with daily life and work. Virtually any symptom has been attributed torepparttar 115652 syndrome, butrepparttar 115653 symptoms generally occur in one of three categories: central nervous system, respiratory and mucosal irritation, or gastrointestinal problems.

Common symptoms include fatigue, difficulty concentrating, depressed mood, memory loss, weakness, dizziness, headaches, heat intolerance and arthralgias (joint pains). The typical individual with MCS feels very strongly thatrepparttar 115654 symptoms result from chemical exposure.

Let's say, you walk intorepparttar 115655 restroom of your office building, catch a whiff ofrepparttar 115656 deodorizer and cleaning chemicals, and emerge a minute later, short of breath, shaking, and feeling like your brain is on vacation. You can barely put sentences together to describe what happened in there. Your friends visitrepparttar 115657 restroom, and don't have any "trouble". If this sort of thing happens to you, perhaps you are suffering from MCS.

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