"What Is In A Brand Name?"

Written by A.T.Rendon

A rose is a rose, is a rose.

What is in a name? Certainly a rose is still as beautiful no matter what name it might have. Even if it would not haverepparttar same ring to it.

An online name is very muchrepparttar 121962 same.

Or so it seemed when investors plunked down almost $8 MILLION to purchaserepparttar 121963 Business.com domain. They logically thoughtrepparttar 121964 name itself would provide them with instant 'Branding'.

But that recognition failed to materialize torepparttar 121965 degree expected and that domain is now only a memory, a footnote in dot.com history, not because it no longer exists, it is still active, but rather because it has yet to live up torepparttar 121966 promise investors had envisioned.

That same story holds true for many ofrepparttar 121967 best known e-commerce brand names, like Pets.com, eToys and Furniture.com.

The Internet has suddenly discovered that it takes more than just a catchy name to make for a successful web site.

The name is important.

But it is notrepparttar 121968 only thing that matters.

Branding alone does not equal traffic.

Customer Service and Community are far more important factors although those play out over time.

Who is your 'Best Customer'?

Written by A.T.Rendon

Your best customer isrepparttar one you listen to.

The Internet is changingrepparttar 121961 face of doing business here in North America and aroundrepparttar 121962 world.

We are witness torepparttar 121963 emerging Global Marketplace which is being driven by a 'Customer Economy'.

What does that mean?

Simply, thatrepparttar 121964 time forrepparttar 121965 customer to rule has arrived. No revolution has occurred, no blood has been spilt, andrepparttar 121966 only ones that will get hurt arerepparttar 121967 companies that do not put their customer first in their business models.

You will attract and keep customers if you:

1. View your business as a personal interaction between it and your customer.

The overall feeling your customer or visitor to your web site has will make or break you. It is important to think in terms of customer satisfaction, growth ofrepparttar 121968 number of your customers, retainingrepparttar 121969 customers you have already, increasingrepparttar 121970 amount each customer spends and finding out why your customers leave.

2. The customer is always right, even when they are wrong.

It is all about making your customer happy. The 21st century customer is now in control of their own destiny and they will dictate what they want from a business and how they get it.

The whole Napster incident, http://www.napster.com/ is a case in point. The music industry took Napster to court and won. Butrepparttar 121971 issues involved went far beyond that of copyright infringement.

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