What Is Hypoglycemia?

Written by Kirsten Whittaker

Hypoglycemia is a condition in whichrepparttar blood sugar level of a person dips down belowrepparttar 149237 normal level. This leaves you unable to perform daily activities due torepparttar 149238 decrease in energy levels caused by low blood glucose levels inrepparttar 149239 body. It usually affects adults and children over 10 years of age as a side effect of taking diabetic medication, although other ailments and medications can also bring it on.

The majority of hypoglycemic suffers have diabetes. Due to being diabetic their body struggles to bring blood sugar levels back within a normal range should they start to fall. This can leave you feeling hungry, anxious, weak, light-headed or sleepy with excessive perspiration and dizziness. Usuallyrepparttar 149240 reaction is not serious and can be treated by eating or drinking sugar or carbohydrate rich products. However, it is important to note that potential symptoms should not be ignored as, left untreated, hypoglycemia can cause a person to lose consciousness.

Hypoglycemia can also affect people who do not suffer from diabetes. There are two types of hypoglycemia not related to diabetes - reactive and fasting hypoglycemia. Fasting hypoglycemia occurs when people go periods without food such as overnight or after exercise. This is not a common condition in people without diabetes and is usually associated with another illness or medication. While, reactive hypoglycemia happens within about 4 hours of eating a meal.

A New Holistic Treatment Protocol For Herpes And Cold Sores

Written by Christopher Ricardo Scipio

Part One:

800,000 people or more will contract Genital and Oral Herpes (Herpes 1 and 2) this year in North America alone. It's estimated that 60% ofrepparttar population has Herpes. A majority ofrepparttar 149236 people withrepparttar 149237 disease are unaware that they carryrepparttar 149238 virus- making them much more likely to pass it on to others. With so many people affected by this epidemic, it's a wonder that Herpes doesn't get more media attention. It's been labeled an incurable disease which left untreated can have serious consequences such asrepparttar 149239 death of a infant born to a mother having an outbreak during delivery and vastly increasing one's chances of getting AIDS and other opportunistic infections.

The sad fact is that there's still a pervasive wall of shame and silence over this disease. People are much more likely to publicly declare their HIV positive status than admit to having Herpes. There are numerous charities and foundations with their high-profile celebrity spokespersons leadingrepparttar 149240 very public campaign of AIDS awareness and research. There's an ever increasing amount of sympathy and support for AIDS victims fromrepparttar 149241 general public. But I challenge you to name a public spokesperson for Herpes? Better yet, can anyone even name one single Herpes charity? I'm sure they exist, but their public profiles are next to nonexistent. Have you ever seen a telethon to raise money for Herpes research? It's inconceivable to me why Herpes is treated as such a "dirty" disease. Is itrepparttar 149242 modern leprosy? I have worked with many Herpes sufferers who do not tell their lovers of their status for fear of being rejected. I'm not sure whatrepparttar 149243 answer would be to gaining more support and sympathy forrepparttar 149244 sufferers of Herpes, but it's something we could all work on. The Acyclovir family of drugs-including Valtrex and Famvir, has beenrepparttar 149245 long standing therapy prescribed by doctors forrepparttar 149246 treatment of Herpes 1 and 2. Althoughrepparttar 149247 drug has proven itself to be somewhat effective inrepparttar 149248 reduction ofrepparttar 149249 duration and severity of outbreaks when used topically and inrepparttar 149250 suppression of some outbreaks when taken orally, this effectiveness can come with a steep price.

Acyclovir does not cure Herpes, and must be taken indefinitely. Like many other drugs there are serious possible side-effects, including kidney dysfunction, toxicity inrepparttar 149251 nervous system, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea seizures, confusion and tremors, severe headaches. Beyond these perhapsrepparttar 149252 biggest problem with taking these drugs for Herpes isrepparttar 149253 creation of drug-resistant strains ofrepparttar 149254 virus that will make treating people inrepparttar 149255 future much more difficult. I have been using natural remedies to help people suffering with Herpes for fourteen years now. One ofrepparttar 149256 principle natural tools used in controlling Herpes has been L-lysine-an amino acid that has been proven to reducerepparttar 149257 frequency of outbreak in some people. Unfortunately L-lysine has now been shown to have it's own serious side-effect. Since it's main action is to inhibit arginine inrepparttar 149258 cellular environment,repparttar 149259 long term effect of taking L-lysine isrepparttar 149260 lowering ofrepparttar 149261 body's immune function. Which is a less than a desirable outcome.

Part Two:

A Comprehensive Programme for Managing Herpes Safely and Effectively

Fifteen years ago I contracted Herpes myself inrepparttar 149262 context of a monogamous relationship. Being open-minded and desperate I tried drug therapy and immediately got migraine headaches forrepparttar 149263 first time in my life. It was clear that I had to find a natural way of managingrepparttar 149264 disease for myself since I was going to have it forrepparttar 149265 rest of my life and I needed a way of being able to resume my sex life withoutrepparttar 149266 dread ofrepparttar 149267 likelihood of passing it on to others. Inrepparttar 149268 next two years I tried every natural therapy available atrepparttar 149269 time. Frustrated fromrepparttar 149270 lack of consistent and lasting results from most ofrepparttar 149271 touted natural remedies for Herpes I started developing my own treatment programme based on my families multi-generational background as herbalists.

What I found through my experience is that Herpes needs to be addressed on many levels- obviously nutrition and lifestyle changes/adjustments but that alsorepparttar 149272 deep shame and many psychological effects ofrepparttar 149273 disease are equally if not more important to treat than outbreaks. Herpes also can change quite significantly duringrepparttar 149274 course of someone's history withrepparttar 149275 disease so any protocol would have to be flexible enough to deal withrepparttar 149276 evolutionary nature ofrepparttar 149277 presenting symptoms.

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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