What Is Computer Programming Anyway?

Written by Shamsul

Computer programming in plain language, is giving instructions to a computer to do something. Technically it is actually giving instructions torepparttar microprocessor -repparttar 107643 brain of a computer.

Ifrepparttar 107644 instructions are only forrepparttar 107645 microprocessor, why a computer is so complicated with numerous types of hardware accessories?

Allrepparttar 107646 other hardware are to supportrepparttar 107647 function of feedingrepparttar 107648 instructions torepparttar 107649 microprocessor, and conveyingrepparttar 107650 result fromrepparttar 107651 microprocessor to its user - which can be a human or another computer or hardware.

Every time you want a computer to do something you have to giverepparttar 107652 instructions. Luckily people are smart enough to figure out that since we might wantrepparttar 107653 computer to repeat repparttar 107654 same process over and over again, we better storerepparttar 107655 instructions into a permanent storage - hard disk, CD, flash memory etc.

The stored instructions are called COMPUTER PROGRAM or computer software andrepparttar 107656 act of arrangingrepparttar 107657 instructions is called COMPUTER PROGRAMMING andrepparttar 107658 person that is responsible to arrangerepparttar 107659 instructions is called .....COMPUTER PROGRAMMER ...do you seerepparttar 107660 pattern here?

Onrepparttar 107661 lowest level, a microprocessor only understands a limited set of instructions. To a microprocessorrepparttar 107662 instruction sets and data are read in “binary” form.

Binary means 2 states – such as in on and off, high and low, left and right. To make it easier mathematically, binary normally is represented by 1 and 0. Electrically, 1 represents high voltage and 0 represents low voltage.

Onrepparttar 107663 hard disk, program instructions look just like a stream of 1s and 0s. But a microprocessor reads inrepparttar 107664 stream one chunk at a time. Among normal chunk sizes are 8, 16, and 32. Chunk size is normally referred to as instruction size.

Mac Discounter offering customers "Free Shipping" on all online purchases

Written by David Collins

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