What Is A Payment Protection Plan?

Written by John Mussi

A Payment Protection Plan is an insurance cover you would normally take out when you apply for a loan in order to have peace of mind because no matter how healthy you feel today, nobody knows what lies roundrepparttar corner tomorrow. Nobody is immune from unemployment or illness, which is why Payment Protection Plans are offered as a means of protecting loan payments.

Payment Protection Plan cover can be added to your loan giving you peace of mind and security of knowing that - inrepparttar 111860 event of any unforeseen circumstances - your financial commitments are protected.

Each month you will be asked to make a small additional insurance payment. This extra payment will be included with your loan repayment. This small amount paid will ensure that if you lost your job, became ill, or unexpectedly pass away your loan repayments will be paid for you. Ifrepparttar 111861 unthinkable happens and you die before your loan has been fully repaid rest assured thatrepparttar 111862 Payment Protection Plan will coverrepparttar 111863 outstanding balance of your loan. Your family will not be left to repay it for you.

Residential Property Abroad

Written by The Chesterfield Group

It is increasingly common for individuals to own more than one property and in many casesrepparttar first investment afterrepparttar 111859 family residence is in a holiday home. Whether you are buying a place inrepparttar 111860 sun, a country retreat or a city centre apartment, if it is in a foreign country you will be exposed to an unfamiliar legal system and to taxes inrepparttar 111861 country concerned. It is therefore important, even before a contract is signed, to decide whether to makerepparttar 111862 purchase in your personal name or through a company. To change course later will always be expensive. It is however usually possible to reduce exposure to tax.

Buying in a personal name

Assumingrepparttar 111863 property is for personal occupation,repparttar 111864 form of tax, which is most easily avoided, is estate or inheritance tax. The death ofrepparttar 111865 person in whose namerepparttar 111866 property is registered will normally give rise to a liability which may exceed 40% ofrepparttar 111867 value atrepparttar 111868 time andrepparttar 111869 tax will usually have to be paid beforerepparttar 111870 property can be sold or transferred.

Buying in a corporate name

If, however,repparttar 111871 property is purchased inrepparttar 111872 name of a company,repparttar 111873 death ofrepparttar 111874 owner does not create a need to transferrepparttar 111875 property. The property will be owned byrepparttar 111876 company, and it isrepparttar 111877 shares inrepparttar 111878 company which will form part ofrepparttar 111879 owner’s estate and notrepparttar 111880 property itself. Ifrepparttar 111881 company is formed in an offshore territory,repparttar 111882 British Virgin Islands for example, which does not impose taxation on non-residents,repparttar 111883 objective of avoiding foreign death taxes will have been achieved. There is a bonus, in thatrepparttar 111884 name ofrepparttar 111885 owner ofrepparttar 111886 company need not be a matter of public record, thereby maintaining confidentiality.

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