What Does Your Cleaning Business Name Say?

Written by Gail Metcalf

The name of your cleaning business will be used in all your advertising. You arerepparttar business name.

Consider your competition andrepparttar 146906 business names they use. How do their business names relate torepparttar 146907 information you know about them? How about what you assume about them without even knowing them orrepparttar 146908 work they do? What do you look for in your local Yellow Pages, periodicals or Internet directories when searching out a business to do work for you? This is how your potential clients are going to be feeling about your business name.

Names including maid or housekeeping generally attract people wanting light cleaning, picking up, and doingrepparttar 146909 laundry andrepparttar 146910 dishes.

Creative Emulation

Written by Kevin Eikenberry

In business we have a number of ways or tools that we use to stimulate improvement. Most of us could recite these in our sleep:



•Problem solving

When these things fail, or we realize that perhaps there are better ways to do these approaches, we dorepparttar next likely thing and hire a consultant. (As a consultant, I am glad that people sometimes take this step).

Each of these steps can be very valuable and powerful when done correctly. There are methods, approaches and steps that you can take to make each of these things (including hiringrepparttar 146905 consultant) more effective.

The Problem

The problem isrepparttar 146906 first three items onrepparttar 146907 list suffer from a similar problem – they all become too introspective.

Brainstorming too often becomes a short list of ideas that people have considered inrepparttar 146908 past, or things people tried at their last job.

Benchmarking ends up being too incestuous. If you are benchmarking within your industry, everyone inrepparttar 146909 industry is looking at each other, andrepparttar 146910 bar may never be lifted high enough.

Problem solving techniques are only as good asrepparttar 146911 ideas that are found to implement, and where do those ideas come from? Brainstorming and benchmarking.

The Alternative

The alternative is a phrase called creative emulation. I learned this phrase from marketing guru Jay Abraham, who has helped hundreds of companies and individuals improve using this technique and has personally made a fortune using it and teaching it.

It is incredibly simple in concept, and amazingly obvious. But most of us don’t do it often enough.

Creative emulation requires studying other industries and businesses forrepparttar 146912 models and approaches that they use. Then thinking about how you could modify, adapt or “creatively emulate” their successes into your business.

Some Examples

Direct marketers have done this forever. Any good copywriting consultant tells you to build a “clip file” of ads and sales letters that are effective. By keeping this “file” of successful copy, you are able to refer to it for inspiration, ideas, unique phrases and more. The “clip file” is a perfect example of creative emulation.

In leading training sessions, while there is benefit in having a whole group fromrepparttar 146913 same organization, there are great benefits from having mixed audiences too – even having people from different divisions or departments inrepparttar 146914 same company can give participants new insights, ideas and practices that they can creatively emulate back in their situation.

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