What Does 2004 Hold For You?

Written by Jim Edwards

With 2004 almost upon us, right now makesrepparttar best time to start setting your goals forrepparttar 123361 coming year.

Don't wait until December 31st at 11:00 p.m. to throw together a list of things you might want to accomplish inrepparttar 123362 next 12 months.

Decide right now!

Make a commitment to improving your life andrepparttar 123363 lives of others and not just to makerepparttar 123364 same old "New Year's resolutions."

Ifrepparttar 123365 simple act of making resolutions were enough, we would all stop smoking, exercise daily, lose weight, own a luxury car, get out of debt, and earn $100,000 per year!

Sad fact: most resolutions barely make it past January 1st.

But have no fear!

If you're serious about setting and keeping your resolutions this year, thenrepparttar 123366 Internet can rescue you from backsliding on your goals.

Check out these tips for usingrepparttar 123367 Web to keep you on target for 2004.

~~ Break Bad Habits ~~

Quit smoking.

Lose weight.

Make more money.

Three ofrepparttar 123368 most popular New Year's resolutions that never seem to "stick!"

Log on to search engine www.Google.com, put in "break bad habits" and you'll drown underrepparttar 123369 amount of information for quitting just about anything.

However, before you throw your hands up in disgust, you need to understandrepparttar 123370 point ofrepparttar 123371 exercise.

It clearly demonstrates thatrepparttar 123372 information you need to stop (or start) doing virtually anything to change your life exists, especially online.

No matter what you want, somebody operates a website, wrote a book, produced a video, created some articles, or made a CD that containsrepparttar 123373 answers you need to make changes.

Putting Spirit First: Goals For Your Soul

Written by Avalon De Witt

"But seek ye firstrepparttar kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matt. 6:33

If you've ever set very many goals, you've probably had at least one goal that you just can't seem to reach. You can't seem to lose those last, stubborn five pounds. Or you can never seem to get caught up on your bills. You are passionate about your goal. You read everythingrepparttar 123360 experts say. You follow their advice torepparttar 123361 best of your ability. Still, despite all your hard effort, something seems to be blocking your success. What could it be? If you find yourself spinning your wheels, check to see if Spirit is your Number One Priority. Your relationship with Spirit will setrepparttar 123362 scene for all other relationships in your life. It may be time to sit down and set some clear goals for your soul. Perhaps you've felt an urge to deepen your meditations or connect with your angels. Or maybe you've been meaning to learn a skill such as astral travel or aligning your chakras. Spiritual goals arerepparttar 123363 most important, most effective, most powerful goals we can make. When you make spiritual goals your first priority in goal-setting, it putsrepparttar 123364 wind in your sails! When you put Spirit first, you are much more likely to succeed at your other goals. Here are 8 empowering thoughts to consider: 1. Spirituality is not in competition with "mundane life." It isrepparttar 123365 very source of it. You are on a spiritual journey whether you realize it or not. Your mind isrepparttar 123366 projector of your life movie, and your world isrepparttar 123367 screen. Not making a conscious decision about your soul - is still a decision. The spiritual world is not divided fromrepparttar 123368 "real world." They are one andrepparttar 123369 same. We are each, always experiencing God. 2. The soul is a body too. It benefits from food, exercise, cleansing, and rest. Whether you want to start a Bible study group or awaken your kundalini,repparttar 123370 key is to make a loving decision to raise your soul'sconsciousness. If you can find time to brush your teeth and comb your hair, you can find time for basics such as grounding, centering, and shielding. 3. Spiritual development is a very personal and individual experience. Seekrepparttar 123371 truth of your own experience to decide what is right for you. Who do you truly want to be? What race do you want to run in this life? If you don't decide for yourself, something or someone else will! Just don't forget to set goals forrepparttar 123372 afterlife as well as this one!

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