What Do People Really Need?

Written by Bill Vannot

Copyright © Bill Vannot - All Rights Reserved



People need a nudge..... a Reminder....or reminders, with an "s". Most people need to be reminded more often than they need to be informed.

In sales, especially advertising, we make our sales pitch, back and forth, to get a decision. We have to repeat our benefits everyday. Our job is to remind people about our offers, in a polite and effective manner. We practice and we become masterful "repeaters." We remind people aboutrepparttar things that we sell and we touch base to fill their needs.

We have to do this before someone else takes away our customers and our business. We always KEEP our offers in front of our customers.

If people like what we say and do, they buy from us. Actually, we could be inrepparttar 100582 reminder business. Sure, we need good reasons to re-visit people. We also need a variety of new answers if they ask for a reason forrepparttar 100583 ongoing contact.

Are Your Creative Selling Skills Tuned Up?

Creative selling creates new reasons to email or call back. There are always different approaches. You just have to create various ways of looking at things.

* Train yourself to ask this question: "What's happening in repparttar 100584 customer's life?"

* Next, think about what you can possibly say or do, that will remind each customer that you have something in mind for them. Then reflect on how you can make that "something" just as important to them, as it is to you. To you, that "something," is your paycheck. Perhaps a special bonus offer would please your customer.

FFA -- Should You Or Shouldn't You?

Written by Randy Justason

FFA - Should You Or Shouldn't You?

Whether you are an experienced online marketer or just starting out in your own home based business, you've probably heard someone tell you to FFA.

No, they were not being rude!

Actually FFA stands for Free For All, and Free For All sites are advertising sites. Whether you should use them or not is your choice.

In order to help you make an informed decision, I offer you this article.

There are literally millions of FFA sites onrepparttar internet. All one has to do is to go to any search engine and type FFA intorepparttar 100581 search box. With most of them you have to register before you can submit an ad and there is good reason for this, as you will see below.

Normally all you get to put on FFA sites is a one line ad linking to one URL. You usually getrepparttar 100582 opportunity to choose a category for your ad, so that may help a bit. Unfortunately, you can't say much in one line so you better make your ad stand out.

Another thing you should know is that most ofrepparttar 100583 people visiting FFA sites are other advertisers placing their ads. That could actually be a plus if you are advertising something that online marketers may be looking for.

Of course, there is always a downfall to that. Today many marketers have access to programs that will submit their ads torepparttar 100584 FFA sites automatically, therefore there may actually be very few visitors torepparttar 100585 site.

Something else you should be aware of is that every time you place an ad on a FFA site you will receive an email back confirming your submission. If you place hundreds of these daily, you are going to get hundreds of emails. A good idea is to get yourself a free email account (such as Hotmail, Yahoo, Lycos, etc) and use that email address instead of your normal home email address. It won't take long before it is overloaded with spam.

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